Search results

  1. chookyn

    Billy Blue School of Graphic Arts

    i rang Billy Blue Creative (as in the actual business, not the design school) to enquire whether i could do a short period of work experience there (12hrs, as part of a subject i am doing) The receptionist said it would be better to email the director. I did yesterday, and am eagerly awaiting a...
  2. chookyn

    religious justification of sex

    i agree with Minifish... :) Minifish you make such good sense! Congratulations on being a great poster. Keep the faith ;)
  3. chookyn

    Hurricane Katrina

    Katrina's Effects: at a glance
  4. chookyn

    What happens when you bring Jesus to University? BOB JONES UNIVERSITY!

    especially in America! lol @ Cindy's haircut! I won't even get started with that shirt.
  5. chookyn

    Hurricane Katrina

    1.3m. people. They get these things every year it seems (only this one's particularly dangerous). I'm trying to figure out why so many still choose to live there! If the city is destroyed by Katrina, they should bring in development restrictions (i.e. no low-lying development) although that...
  6. chookyn

    What happens when you bring Jesus to University? BOB JONES UNIVERSITY!

    wow... let us all now take a moment to appreciate our personal freedoms!
  7. chookyn

    Arts students - what are you doing?

    Visual Communication. However, i would also love studying almost anything in the humanities, particularly geography, history and religion. Such background knowledge would be a good reference point for designing. I guess i'm just an arts person. :)
  8. chookyn

    "You are putting your ethical stance before the law".

    Revealing a confidential source is a HUGE no-no in the journalism world. To break this trust relationship would be almost suicide in terms of the journalist's career. If the source has reason to distrust the journalist, the journalist won't get the news, and the public will be none the wiser...
  9. chookyn

    University Times

    at least 18 contact hrs/wk.
  10. chookyn

    Bush's Creationism in schools remarks

    Well this 'nutter' has, for the most part, been busy studying. BTW since when has evolution been a fact? Last i knew it was a theory, just like creationism is a theory. Therefore they both deserve equal coverage. To deny this would be bias towards secularism (ever considered that?). Also...
  11. chookyn

    why did you chose the degree you are doing?

    i'm doing viscomm (which is a happy blend of visual art, graphic design and communication subjects) because i love using my imagination. yay for semester 2, first day of classes tomorrow!! :D
  12. chookyn

    Are commerce/business degrees replacing arts degrees?

    Asqy i'd rep you 10x if i could - VERY well said! *edit* that must've taken awhile!
  13. chookyn

    Business marketing

    yup. and good marketing is also an inherent part of visual communication, as i've discovered! /RANT: I've been reading web articles on how it's important for designers to have a good knowledge of marketing and business skills in order to succeed particularly in self-employment and management...
  14. chookyn

    Business marketing

    yeah it's a tough one. i got a reasonable mark in HSC business studies (85 overall). So it wouldn't be a matter of not being capable. Just a matter of evaluating whether doing the extra time (and money) is worth it. I guess my only fear is it will distract from Visual Communication, which is...
  15. chookyn

    Business marketing

    argh!! oh well. i suppose the pain is worth it in the end.
  16. chookyn

    Business marketing

    yeah that's what i thought. starting the advertising cert. was useful for one reason: it helped me realise that marketing is a very interesting area, which would be more usefully studied as a degree, especially with viscomm. i guess some general business subs within the degree will be boring...
  17. chookyn

    Business marketing

    I'm considering scrapping my cert IV in advertising and taking on Business (Marketing) instead so i'll graduate with a double degree - BA(VisComm)/BBus(Mktg). Is this a good move? (personally i think it is, a double degree is worth more employment-wise and distance ed. really isn't my thing)...
  18. chookyn

    Anyone into photography?

    Photography is one of my passions! i love capturing extreme close-ups of ordinary objects so they become mysterious 'art objects.' I also want to get into photojournalism more. Nature photography is fun too - roses have been my latest tangent. The only thing i need/want is a better camera...
  19. chookyn

    Your Plans for the Future?

    yeah, situations can change so quickly.
  20. chookyn

    Boris Iemma

    no vendor tax? exxxcellent. ;)