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  1. Lorie

    Theme Song of ur life?!

    yeah she said u were pretty lame down stairs.
  2. Lorie

    sublime 10th anniversary

    wow cool. I was listening to bad fish just before i read this how convinent.
  3. Lorie

    11yr old banned from watching big brother in uk, hangs herself

    yes i agree. I suggest we bring back lawn darts and take off warning signs about forks in toasters so we ensure these people don't reach the age of 6. It's a way of culling the stupid people, before they are old enough to make a difference.
  4. Lorie

    Theme Song of ur life?!

    Maroon 5 = lame
  5. Lorie

    11yr old banned from watching big brother in uk, hangs herself

    Yeah there has been nermous seasons of big brother.......
  6. Lorie

    Student Politics

    Re: Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas! Taking the piss, i can't see the funny side of it to be honest with you. Taking the piss of what? people who believe in equal rights? yeah they should so be the victim of a bad form of satire or what ever the hell form of...
  7. Lorie

    Woman accused of raping 13-year-old boy says he paid her

    She must have been desperate and ugly
  8. Lorie

    Student Politics

    Re: Sydney Uni Liberal Club's Official Publication: Libertas! I saw that story, so full on. i can not believe some of things they are doing up there. Shouting the phrase: "We're racist, we're sexist, we're homophobic", at people is out and out bullying and verbal assult. This seems to...
  9. Lorie

    John Howard to stay on!

    I don't think it strictly a case of the howard haters trying to bring him down. It was one of their own who made the case public. There had always been little hints and comments that suggested there would be a hand over over the years. I remember comments by Tony Abbot before the children over...
  10. Lorie

    Need help

    Re: Need help with Financial Planning & Management!! Yeah i agree benchmarking is the best way to monitor and compare this years results to the industry average and/or previous years to see how the business is going.
  11. Lorie

    wuthering heights and feminism

    doesn't look like you r getting much support there mate. Heres some critical commentary.... Unfavourable Reaction – There were a number of unperceptive comments towards Wuthering Heights. H.F Chorley, in the Dec. 25, 1847 issue of the Athenaeum, dismissed the work as a “disagreeable story”...
  12. Lorie

    wuthering heights and feminism

    Yes i agree the only purpose for Wuthering Heights is a good drink coaster or keep that short leg of the lounge up level. I found the best way to look at feminist view in Wuthering Heights is to look at the marriage of Catherine and Edgar. Catherine loved Healthcliff shown by that quote " i...
  13. Lorie

    imagine -john lennon help

    yeah i agree i don't think you can really get too much outta image except for maybe the title. But that doesn't mean that a song isn't a bad idea to use as an extra text. I used Nirvana - Lithium and i found so many links with coleridge and imaginative journeys as well as A Beautiful mind.
  14. Lorie


    your introduction is essential to the essay. You need to breifly address the question and discuss the themes that your essay will build your case either for or against the question. You also need to introduce your texts and it is part of case in answering the question. From this...
  15. Lorie

    Tax deductions

    deductions are work related expenses. So u can only deduct educational expenses if they are directly required for ur work, eg cadetship, traineeship. So just because this is what u wanna do later on doesn't mean it is a deduction.
  16. Lorie


    Imaginiative journeys are within the minds and expose the creative aspect of all coleridges poems that you study. This allows the journey to travel beyond the normal constraints that are encounted in physcial journeys. Travel through time and the imagination is possible in an imaginative...
  17. Lorie

    Legal Studies : stumped please help

    Contrast and find similities between a break down in a relationship between a marriage and a de-facto. Show how it is under different jursidictions and show how different the state laws reguarding a break down of de-factos and the federal laws in a break down of a marriage. Issues such as...
  18. Lorie

    Family Essay help..

    take some keys points to dicuss in the essay such as divorce, domestic violence, parental responsibilities and rights of the child, and alternative family arrangements. Look at how family law protects individuals especially individuals in weaker positions, such as women and children. And...
  19. Lorie

    Term 2 Workplace Assessment help..

    Both the federal and state governments have different legislation and structures in regard to industrial relations, which limits the effectiveness due to inconsistency and conflict between the two systems. The federal industrial legislation is the Workplace relations Act 1996 (cth), which takes...
  20. Lorie

    Grunge questionnaire

    I agree that binaural isn't pearl jam's best album, but nothing as it seems is an awesome song. Have you seen the film doco Hype? If you haven't i strongly sugest you do?