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  1. Lorie

    tip for motivation????

    I found this poem a key for motivation. Remember guys, do it for yourself, there is nothing better than achieving something that you have worked hard for. The Guy in the Glass* by Dale Wimbrow, (c) 1934* When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf, And the world makes you...
  2. Lorie

    HSC Tips and Tricks | Part 1: Year 12 Info Round-up

    Learn from your mistakes in your assessments and exams in year 12. It's all too easy to swear and get angry with yourself if you blow an exam or assessment leading into the HSC. Look at your errors and learn from them. I blew nearly all my trial exams, and that motivated me to work harder. I...
  3. Lorie

    HSC Tips and Tricks | Part 1: Year 12 Info Round-up

    Learn from your mistakes in your assessments and exams in year 12. It's all too easy to swear and get angry with yourself if you blow an exam or assessment leading into the HSC. Look at your errors and learn from them. I blew nearly all my trial exams, and that motivated me to work harder. I...
  4. Lorie

    HSC Tips and Tricks | Part 1: Year 12 Info Round-up

    Learn from your mistakes in your assessments and exams in year 12. It's all too easy to swear and get angry with yourself if you blow an exam or assessment leading into the HSC. Look at your errors and learn from them. I blew nearly all my trial exams, and that motivated me to work harder. I...
  5. Lorie

    Russel Crowe's band

    that would be a mad show. Strung out go off, and with frenzal to open that would be very fitting
  6. Lorie

    feminism films?

    bend it like beckham?
  7. Lorie

    Russel Crowe's band

    you doubt frenzal could you.
  8. Lorie

    Ask Any Questions

    Yeah thats all you really need to know. Just remember that systems and contingency are 2 different thories.
  9. Lorie

    Financial Planning & Management: Trends & Ratios

    when looking at rotios, benchmarking is important. This can be either compared to the industry or previous years in the company. Comparing and analysing differences in ratios is imporatant, as it is how the business can further judge it's finiancial performance and position.
  10. Lorie


    there were 11 guys and 1 female thai exchange student. quite an interesting combo
  11. Lorie

    Notes for FAMILY LAW

    heres a sample essay i wrote up last year. Can't remember the question sorry, but it is pretty general. Hope you guys get something outta it.
  12. Lorie


    no worries, anything to help you out.
  13. Lorie

    Business Reports?!

    read some sample band 6 responses for business reports and you'll get the idea of them. The key to writing a business report is to keep it simple. A good layout with dot points, heading, graphs (if relevent) all in a simple language that addresses all the issues in the question. There are...
  14. Lorie

    Bail hearing before or after committal hearing?

    think about it. why would they want to determine bail before they have decided if the case will go to trial or not. That would mean you could be denied bail even if your case doesn't go to court.
  15. Lorie

    Which IPT book do you recommend?!

    yeah i found the heinmann a good source. I also used an older heinmann book, which was set out slightly different, which worked well as a 2nd source. Also the macquire and excel books are great to use for revision and so forth.
  16. Lorie

    home jobs for extra income

    all you have to do is close your eyes and stuck it from a tube
  17. Lorie

    Text books enough

    i found the macquire text really good as a basic guide, and it also had practice questions. don't bother getting the excel text and business studies in a month, i didn't get anything outta those.
  18. Lorie

    balance sheets-balancing

    The strange part is in Business studies you don't actully have to know this, just take into account that it balances and A=L+OE. It basically means that every asset is accountable as a liabilty or Equity, and transactions that occur affect both sides of the sheet. It's a thing called double...
  19. Lorie


    yeah i did workplace last year, i really got into it by the end of it. I also did economics and business and that gave me a good grounding for the topic. If you wanna get a headstart on it, get started on the background into workplace law. It can be a bit boring but if you get that outta the...
  20. Lorie

    Birth rates up.

    Do these increases in birth rates have anything to do with the increases in stupid kids, because i tell ya with the introduction of "don't stick forks in toaster" signs there seems to be a large amount stupid kids these days. Bring back to the lawn darts to kull these kids before they get...