backing up what Mandy101 said, you can use as many case studies as you want. But it has to be relevent to the question that they are asking. Generally the essay question relates to 2 topics in business, and the other 3 in the report. Although it has happened in like every exam since the new...
They did that to us last year, very painful. The examiners wouldn't even let us out for 5 min to watch the race, and one of them got to go out to watch it. Straight after they accounced pens down, we asked for the results.
Hmmm, i will be thinking of you when i'm at the pub watching the race.
look at last years HSC exam, one of the essay questions was simliar to this. Not sure if they are gonna realise astandards package, but if they do, some of the essays for that essay will make it clearer.
no worries, it's all good.
Also, with John's separtion with reality look at also some of the other way in which John is different to everyone else. "People don't like me much" "classes will rot your mind" - see how John constasts with the outside world. The creation of Charles seems to be...
Yeah it's good to have lots of case studies, then it avoids u telling stuff about a case study that isn't relevant to the question. There is no point in explaining about CCA's marketing plan, when the question is asking about finance and global business. I found the best way to find a case...
i used it and it's a good film to use for imaginative journeys.
Some themes you can use for imaginative journeys are:
* Isolation that an imaginative journey has. Look at how is separate to the outside world. His facial expressions, cloths, dialogue, actions and so forth are so different...
What do u mean the first argument is crap. Think about it, why would u take drugs that are worth $100,000 in Australia into a country where it is worth $10,000
why the hell would someone take drugs out of Australia where it has the highest street value in the world, into a country where it is worth significantly less.
Why haven't they compared the weight of the bag between the Australian and Bali airports? The Australian government hasn't done...
millencolin - kingwood
queens of the stoneage - lullabies to paralyze
machine gun fellatio - bring it on
placebo - black market music
silverchair - rarities (1994-1999)
haha, dirty crack loving frenchmen
but 1Time4thePpl does make a good point there. Even if you stuff up ur assesment mark all is not lost. If you go well in your exams u'll go well in your overall mark. I stuffed up some of my assessments, and it did affect myy assessment rank, but it helped...
haha, dirty crack loving frenchmen
but 1Time4thePpl does make a good point there. Even if you stuff up ur assesment mark all is not lost. If you go well in your exams u'll go well in your overall mark. I stuffed up some of my assessments, and it did affect myy assessment rank, but it helped...
haha, dirty crack loving frenchmen
but 1Time4thePpl does make a good point there. Even if you stuff up ur assesment mark all is not lost. If you go well in your exams u'll go well in your overall mark. I stuffed up some of my assessments, and it did affect myy assessment rank, but it helped...
a good insight into this would be to look into some legal studies notes in the option topic of workplace, this will help you understand the IR system. Also, the business studies topic Employment relations does help. Sounds weird to study another subject but it helps, i studies all 3 last year...
it is run by the government in Germany. Much like teaching, Australia post and so forth in Australia. This ensures a safer environment for all stakeholder involved as it is more easier to control.