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  1. Ghost1788

    What Prac do you think will be tested?

    titration? i would like an esterification one though
  2. Ghost1788

    Sig Figs

    ok thanks acmilan and word. though i dont have the same calculator as you...word. i'm stuck with a Sharp...not Casio
  3. Ghost1788

    Sig Figs

    ok i just need to do you simplify using sig figs ie. 13^(-1.2) to 3 sig figs does this become a) 4.60*10^(-2) or B) 4.61*10^(-2) basically i'm asking do also round off when using sig figs
  4. Ghost1788

    mathematical chemical questions

    ok so now you need to go over example questions..i have never used CC so i cannt not vouch for it though i know Dreamerish will.. but i know that Chemistry Contexts is excellent in terms of examples of calculations....take a look at this book. also once you understand what the book is...
  5. Ghost1788

    Read my Section 2 (Creative) Response...

    that was boring...i only caught on to what was going on in the last 1/3 of the story...though when you finish you trully know how to finish..excellent ending..i'd comment on the rest but seeing as i didnt understand it english is 'crap' especially when it comes to creative writing
  6. Ghost1788

    ocean-going vessels

    what is the dot point you refer to exactly?
  7. Ghost1788

    Is your SDD teacher as crap as mine?

    aye u do software developers view of the hardware.... what do we have to know bout flip flops i hear people talking about latches and what not but my teacher didnt understand how to read one.... All i know is that flip flops are the basic building block of computer memory, they are...
  8. Ghost1788

    implications of mass increase

    just a thought...dont black holes acceleterate objects to or near the speed of light therefore the objects suffer from length contraction...this would explain y everything that gets sucked into a blackhole becomes infinitely small...
  9. Ghost1788

    implications of mass increase

  10. Ghost1788

    implications of mass increase

    whoa nononono.... Length contraction describes the contraction(in length) of the object approaching the speed of light as velocity of the object increases the length of the object decreases
  11. Ghost1788

    Newton's Escape Velocity

    lol they wont if newton and all them smart scientist people desided to go 'technical' in their equations every time you had to do an equation you would need to calculate the relative strength of each body of mass in the universe...even then 'this technical' detail would barely alter the answer...
  12. Ghost1788

    Newton's Escape Velocity

    technically yes but on mass such as a computer the gravitational attraction is so minute that it is Ignored Technically u are affected by the gravitational field of all the stars, blackholes etc in the universe However because u are closer to the earth..the closest large body of mass...
  13. Ghost1788

    Newton's Escape Velocity

    Escape velocity according to Newton is the minimum velocitry required to escape the gravitational attraction of a object in space, usually refered to as a planet ...
  14. Ghost1788

    Have to make a GAME

    um a guy in my class this year used a program called game maker to create a game for his major it turned out preety good and the program is free as far as i know Ghost.
  15. Ghost1788

    Esterification - Sodium Carbonate or Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

    me 2 although wouldn't all the unreacted stuff end up in the organic layer when you are seperating the ester in the seperating funnel(i think thats what is called)..although it would be more efficient ie. better to make full use of the reactants...
  16. Ghost1788


    i'm different i hate Ideas to implementation
  17. Ghost1788

    If your girl or boyfriend wouldn't have sex...

    i read that and remembered this...
  18. Ghost1788

    Negative 9.8 or not !?

    couldnt have put it better myself....
  19. Ghost1788

    some questions from HSC 03 help!

    4. In metals electricity is transfered by a transfer of momentum from electron to electron as the metal has a 'sea of electrons' it works on a principle that could be put as every electron for themselves... In superconductors electrons form Cooper pairs whereby the electrons buddy up into...
  20. Ghost1788

    HSC SDD exam....

    i'm more or less ready except for logic gates especially flop flops...