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  1. LadySilverWings

    Section 1 text 3

    Oh yay! Other people got confused... Thank god, lol I wrote something about his attutide and significance of the land... Something... lol
  2. LadySilverWings

    What's that term for young pharaohs? ><; lol

    Yes, it could be used for pharaohs who had regents It basically a term that younger pharaohs were called as they were recognized to a likeness of Horus in relation to the status of the gods ... It was in a textbook we're curretnly using, ‘New Kingdom Egypt’ by Mary Demovic & Catherine Baker
  3. LadySilverWings

    Heeeeellllllppppppp!!! XD lol ... Confused on Wuthering Heights

    Heehee ^^; Help? XD Ok... I need info on Parallels and Contrasts within the novel Wuthering Heights... I'm currently getting some stuff for the contrasting settings - Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange But, I dunno, I'm just kinda confused on what to write for the others, characters...
  4. LadySilverWings

    What's that term for young pharaohs? ><; lol

    Nevermind, founds it ^^ They were known as 'nestling falcons' ^^
  5. LadySilverWings

    What's that term for young pharaohs? ><; lol

    Heya ^^ Currently finishing up a report/speech on Hatshepsut... Ok, I need the term for 'young pharaohs'... Been trying to find it in my notes but can't find it anywhere >< ... I swear it had something to do with falcons ('Cause of the whole Horus idea or something)? ... 'Fettling Falcon'...
  6. LadySilverWings

    Case Study Guidance ^^;;;

    Yeah, it's a very strange question O_o My teacher told us that of course the first is like an artist painting a scene, something you could pretty much see out of a window or something The second is of ignoring the idea of a window is kinda like not paiting on a canvas in a rectanglur shape...
  7. LadySilverWings

    Case Study Guidance ^^;;;

    ... Seems I'm always on here for assigment help >> I just posted for help on a LS assign a week ago and now I'm here again >>;; Ok, anywho, need some guidance please ^^; Currently doing a case study on the 'canvas as a window'. Studying three artists - 1. Who uses the 'canvas as a...
  8. LadySilverWings

    Some help with an assignment, please? ^^

    Heya all ^^ Yet again back with another assignment asking for help XD Sorry to be a pain ^^ But need help =3 Ok, so assignment... 'The law reflects changing community values and attitudes' Discuss with relation to rights and duties and evaluate the effectiveness of the law in this manner...
  9. LadySilverWings

    Erm, some help on an essay please? ^^

    Heya ^^ Just saying a big thank you to you's two ^__^ Thanks so much for the suggestions :) It was very helpful ^__^ Thank you *hugs*
  10. LadySilverWings

    Erm, some help on an essay please? ^^

    Heya everyone ^^ Erm, ok... We got this essay question in VA theory - 'Research an artist who uses/used religious theme in his/her work How does this artist's work relfect the society in which he/she belongs?' With half page on the arist and half on how it relfects society and...
  11. LadySilverWings

    LS Speech help? Please ^_^

    Hey Phoenix, thank you so much for the tips and info ^__^ I greatly appreciate it :) Sorry to be a pain, lol By the way, love your avatar and sig :) Thankies again ^__^
  12. LadySilverWings

    Anime fans and RO gamers? ^__^

    Hiya all ^__^ I was wondering who's an anime fan on here, and what animes you are interested in? ^__^ I tend to go for fantasy genre anime. Though my fave anime is 'Chrno Crusade' along with Wolf's Rain, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket... And I'll just stop now, lol XD I'll wait for...
  13. LadySilverWings

    LS Speech help? Please ^_^

    Hey all again, currently at school (Have a study/free period). I was planning to go to my teacher for help with this assign, but of course she's not here! No! Dammit, lol. Hopefully someone can please help me with this assign! I just need to be pushed in the right direction, kinda at a loss...
  14. LadySilverWings

    LS Speech help? Please ^_^

    Erm, Hiya all, first time I've been on here :) Anywho, I've been sick with the chickenpoxs for the past two weeks, and recently found out that my LS speech is due on Thursday (14th) or Friday (15th)... *sighs* And I haven't got to start it yet... Ugh, I'm in such a bad sitution at the moment...