With the law entry aka 'Macquarie Privledge', when shoud applications be made -after finals for semester 2?
Just out of interest, would psyc-law also ask why you want to study law and how competitive is it? It says in handbook a 'UAI and Credit average' would be competitive yet I was told...
Just an interesting idea
Studies in organisational psyc have found that doctors hold quite a low level of EQ (Emotional Intelligence). This suggests that they are not overly empathetic, or able to 'put themselves into their patients shoes'. Obviously this isn;t the case at all times, and there...
I agree with the idea that uni is harder than school. way harder. U can do relatively little and get 90+. At uni im working way harder and just getting credits (65-74). There was an interesting article that suggested ur 1st year uni marks drop by 20% to ur school marks.
My avg HSC mark - 86%...
Whilst im a Macquarie student, and I am biased in thinking or maybe hoping everyone is decent enough to leave others stuff alone, this sucks! I guess there is also the fact that any body can stroll into the library, Macquarie student, non-Macquarie student or jail-breaker.
WE didn't make this up, it was mentioned in the lecture, but it has been misinterpreted - I think it is very much like the WAM thing adopted by the likes of UNSW and maybe (not 100% sure) the traditional GPA will still be used as well. It might just be a leveller between us and other unis when...
Hey there
Just a questions regarding GPA.
I know the GPA calculator thing, and say you get 4 passes your GPA is 2.0 and 4 credits would be 3.0 - say uve just done semester one of year one. However, a lecturer for BBA 111 mentioned the introduction of a new system, basically, the one UNSW uses...
Hey there
Depends what you find interesting lol
Andy Goldsworthy is my favourite artist
Other good ones to mention are
Van Gogh
But they are all pretty similar, except maybe Van Gogh, because they all died alcohol/drug related deaths (i think) - and we know a...
Hey there
That is actually a cool assignment, when i was in year 12, last year, our teacher kept us away from the curator/exhibition type questions, but they sound easy/fun.
In simple terms, a curator is the person within an art gallery (thus within an exhibition) that selects art works for a...
There was no sign where I went, not visably. The guy had every right to ask me to leave, yet, due to my quite obvious newbie status he coulda been friendlier. This discussion could go on forever lol. But maybe we should study.
I don't really know where I want to end up Claire. I'm thinking I might like to be a psychologist instead of a business tycoon lol. Who knows.
To however made the comment on self-worth/genius, the statement I made was a bit extreme - prolly a by-product of stress. However, the comment that...
Yeah everyone, I'm not really that pissed off about it. But ill urinate on some people's stuff in the library just for fun anyways. I resent the call by someone that I am another stupid first year. Definitely not. For example,if u read some of the bulletin/chat rooms on WEBCT for first year...
This is kind of linked to the threads that talk about people hogging library tables - which is a joke. I went to the library at 10am on friday and it was packed. So where do you go from there? Along with a friend, we went to the computer labs. Im not a computing/IT/maths student so I don't know...
I got 92.00
Visual Arts 94
English Adv. 87
English Ext 1. 86 (43/50)
Business Studies 86
Modern History 82
English Ext. 2. 78 (39/50)
and Maths 75% (not counted)
Yes, of course you can. You can always improve. In Mathematics (which didn't count for me and I knew it wouldn't) I was getting between 20 and 50% at school on average, with the trial mark at 55% - placing me close to the bottom of my grade - probably about 10th bottom. However, overall, I ended...
Hey everyone, i have a stupid question that i need an answer for. I am computer illiterate and now have a laptop (why?) and was wondering how you connect to the internet wirelessly in the library etc. How do i set that up?
If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated.
Duchamp is very important to know.
last year, in section one of the paper, it was about duchamp for 8 or 12 marks (i forget). They assume that you havent seen the artists before, and that u can achieve full marks without prior knowledge. However, i am sure that what i added from my own brain...