Search results

  1. J

    HSC art artists...who are the best?

    That is true If possible get a less well known artist. However, if you have solid information about well-known artists - the markers will recognise that and they will know if u are making up things or not. Cause they will know more about well known artists Good Luck
  2. J

    HSC art artists...who are the best?

    hey I did my HSC in 2005, and got 96 for art. I would say don't do Henson, because my whole grade did it - with his exhibition and all - but do it if uve got good notes. Make sure you have like 'profiles' of about 10 different artists, from a variety of styles and periods of art, so watever...
  3. J

    how do i bring up my eng adv mrks

    hey there I didnt do too badly in 2unit english last year, ended up with 87 - so based on that you can deem my advise helpful or completely useless - or both. I would tell you that you want to do 3 main things: 1)WHAT (what themes/ideas/issues does the composer raise) 2)HOW (TECHNIQUES)...
  4. J

    Psychology Courses

    Hey there You want to know the cut-off for Ba-Psych Dip Ed? It was 86.10 to have a spot in first year 2006. For a Ba-psych it was 85.00, and if u made this I am sure you could fit into a Dip Ed later. For psych, there are no subject prerequisites, that is, u dont have to have done...
  5. J

    The whole timetable deal

    Hey Ciel - yes, Normo Pride. Purely by the way u said 'Are you a normo?'', i am going to assume you went to Hornsby Girls.
  6. J

    Who is going to MAQ?

    Hey everyone Good old late round offers - ill be at Mac too! BBA BA-psych, like Ciel. Is this for a meet-up thing? I was stupid enough to put Sydney Uni first, and actually got an offer - glad I changed back to 'The Club'. Is everyone kind of ready for Uni? Cause the break has been sort of...
  7. J

    The whole timetable deal

    Thanks heaps for that. Ciel, we can be course buddies! lol. BTW (still directed at Ciel), it is kind of confusing, because with all those required units, the total comes to 30 credit points (???). So u do say 4 subjects (12cp) a semester = 24 cp in first year. Then u do 2 100level subjects in...
  8. J

    The whole timetable deal

    I received an offer for a BBA Ba-psych at Macquarie, after getting one for Arts at Sydney. Reading up on both has really confused me. For my degree at Macquarie, it says a total of 96 cred. points are needed, over 4 years. In contrast, Sydney's 3 year Arts degree called for 144. What the? I was...
  9. J

    ArtExpress Works

    Hey I got nominated for ArtExpress, but did not get selected for the exhibitions. The cut-off was 46 or higher out of 50 just for that nomination - and I had always felt once I heard that I got 46. The exam was great, theory is my best side - and I am almost certain I got full marks as my...
  10. J

    What HSC marks did you get?

    Hey - here are my marks Visual Arts 96/100 92/100 94 6 English Adv 87/100 87/100 87 5 English Ext 1 44/50 41/50 43 E3 English Ext 2 34/50 43/50 39 E3 Business Studies 83/100 88/100 86 5 Modern History 85/100 79/100 82 5
  11. J

    What is Macquarie Law Like?

    It sounds good Fortunately I dont wana rule the world, would prefer to save it - so Mac seems the go. And it is 4.9kms from home! lol Thanks
  12. J

    What is Macquarie Law Like?

    Hello Macquarie Law Students I am interested in studying law at Macquarie in 2006 (providing my UAI agrees) and was wondering how you find the course, if you enjoy it and how you feel it compares to other universities. I also wanted to know what you plan on doing once you complete your degree...
  13. J

    Art Express?

    Sure I am glad this is all over But the cut-off mark this year was 46/50 and above Last year was 45/50 + Before that 43/50+ Now it is the end lol
  14. J

    exam: which artists?

    I did: Salvidor Dali Jackson Pollock Mike Parr Bill Henson Nothing too unknown :)
  15. J

    What were funniest momentf of your HSC

    Hey This might seem really lame But as I was in my art exam today I needed an extra writing booklet, so the supervisor came. All good Then I opened the booklet and it basically had a shopping list written inside. I started laughing, the exam nearly stopped (not really) - then i got a new...
  16. J

    Art Express?

    Hey Helani I got in James Nau got in and a guy called Nick Yeah
  17. J

    Art Express?

    Hornsby Girls - that is impressive. After going to their artshow - i expected 22/22! They were really good. Yeah, good effort for my sister school, good old Normo Boys got 3 - but we will get you in theory! Did you get in Helani?
  18. J

    Art Express?

    Hey I kinda think they don't like people who use excessive amounts of money. Art is not about money, it is about ideas, process and creation. My art work would well be $100 of materials tops, mainly the wood I put it on. I used some sand and the most expensive material i used would be impasto...
  19. J

    Art Express?

    We were itinerant marked as well. 3 nominations top guy 50/50 inschool and nomination. me 43/50 at school and nomination other guy 38-42/50 and nomination Well there you go
  20. J

    Art Express?

    Hey I got nominated too. Means jack all though! BTW, my school is not in the mountains, its in Sydney - kinda northern sydney - so yeah, maybe they have marked quite a few works?