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  1. gordo

    AERO1560 Plane issue

    can't remember it was pretty crap, i did the f-22 my assignments for aero1400 were good, 1560 no one gave a shit
  2. gordo

    Whooo Likes Short-Shorts?

    i always where them i have a green, a white and a blue pair
  3. gordo

    AERO1560 Plane issue

    u can have my assignment for a thousand dollars
  4. gordo

    Enders Game

    read the book, its fantastic.
  5. gordo

    Most impressive subject

    in one of my subjects i'm building a satellite that's being launched into orbit in June next year..
  6. gordo

    brick stealing comp

    they have to push it across a floor with their nose
  7. gordo

    USYD Favourite hangouts on campus

    engineering lawn
  8. gordo


    say the actual subject name of the UoS 10 times over in your head and then re-read your initial post.
  9. gordo

    Apparent Motion at the Speed of Light

    i believe his question was.. "What do you people think of this?" How did I fail to answer that exactly? You, on the other hand; the concept in his question went straight over your head.
  10. gordo

    Best exercises to lose weight

    jog, sprint, push ups, sprint, jog, situps, jog, sprint, squats, sprint, jog repeat...
  11. gordo

    Apparent Motion at the Speed of Light

    if it was going at the speed of light then you wouldn't see it cause it would be too fast and so nothing would be apparent
  12. gordo

    Semester 1 Chatter Thread (2006)

    Re: Semester 1 Chatter whyy ..... ohhh WHYYYYYYY???????
  13. gordo

    HOw u getting in tomoro

    20 min drive from bondi gota be there 8am
  14. gordo

    msn on sydney uni network

    use msn web messenger?
  15. gordo

    Unit of Study Outlines

    i think u have to do it through myuni
  16. gordo

    hot uni people

    usyd had plenty of fresh meat by the looks of things yesterday
  17. gordo

    2006 USYD Law I

    take a scooter / bike
  18. gordo


    sounds like 2u history an IRP should explore how history operates, maybe use the holocaust to prove that history can be created and defined through advances in technology
  19. gordo

    Timetable Clashes

    they will give you a list containing the guest speaker, topic and date of each lecture in the first class. THey will also tell u lectures arn;t compulsory and numbers will dwindle after a couple of weeks. Just pick interetsing ones, like everyone went to justice kirby for example. Considering...