Re: Semester 1 Chatter
haha i spend more time on the non-engo side of the campus.
This sem the majority of my classes are in carslaw, chem building, bosche, the quad and the education building. I only have 1 class on engo side.
Is the uni trying to assist engos to meet new ppl and discover the...
Randomly I thought of this today
the ring wraiths supposedly will search for the ring for all eternity right, thats all they do.
Then why do they leave bilbo's house without finding the ring? wouldn't you keep searching the house until you find it? Its not like you have anything else to...
For those up to date with the latest episodes from america;
this weeks...
OMG unbelievable
speechless, absolutely dumbfounded
Everything has just completely changed
i can't believe i've actually never met any of you (besides waf)
there seem to be a plethora of you roaming round the uni on a day to day basis.
I think we need a usyd photo album
if u all want to email me a photo i am happy to put it together