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    prob q hard!

    i got 4/9 aswell
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    raw --> final marks

    you see i ranked 9th out of 30~ in the trials, so if i get 96 then the top 3 will all get like 100 (they got ~96+). but last couple of years our school was ranked 70~. does this mean that this year's class is just really smart?
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    raw --> final marks

    how about 75/84 in the CSSA marked acording to the given guidlines. what mark would that be aligned to in the HSC??
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    linking yeats' poems

    hey guys, i'm going to do two of his poems (wild swans, 2nd coming). just wondering whether they have to be linked or not, like through theme or even same kind of reading? thx
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    Physics 2004 HSC Exam

    multiple choice answers are on Board of Studies
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    Word Problem

    kool thanks for that!
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    Word Problem

    hey guys, i keep getting this pop-up randomly coming up while i'am using Word. does anynody know how i can stop it coming up??
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    2000 - Q3(c)

    but when u put 10^201 / 10^14 into the calculator it comes up saying Math Error EDIT: stupid me! just realised that it says in scientific notation.
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    Uniform velocity

    i think its when acc. = 0
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    Dropping subjects

    that wouldn't look good on her HSC though would it? having a subject with a really low mark
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    f(t) = 10 sin [П(t)/2] f'(t) = 5П cos [П(t)/2] f''(t) = -5/2.П^2.{(1/10).10sin[П(t)/2] since f(t)=10 sin [П(t)/2] f''(t) = -5/2.П^2.{(1/10).f(t)] f''(t) = -П/4^2f(t)
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    2000 - Q3(c)

    hey guys, i can't get Q3(c) in the 2000 paper, i got up to the last step as shown in the answers in MANSW, but the last part involves using the calculator and when i enter what they have got as the last step i get a MATH ERROR, i think because the numbers are outside the calculators range...
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    Uai estimate

    no luckily don't have mrs. pledger for IPT have mr. biddle. for maths mr.Bui, for english mr. Khursded (new so probably don't know him), for phys have mr.crollini and for IT have mr. Shear Khalid's advise sounds pretty good, and it sure did work (he got what 99.95?) so i'll try to follow it...
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    Is our state cohort this year really, really smart?

    looks like a lot of teacher's are telling this year that they are the smartest yet, because so did our teachers
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    Please give me criticisms Section2

    you should become an english teacher, you'd be better than my teacher!
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    Please give me criticisms Section2

    my teacher said that it should be round 2 pages typed up, urs is only 1. so yeah it is too short. but the story is pretty good!
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    Bohrs postulates and hydrogen spectrum

    describe how Bohr’s postulates led to the development of a mathematical model to account for the existence of the hydrogen spectrum what are we expected to talk about in this dot point? just that Bohr said that the 'n's in rhydberg's equation were energy states? what else? thx
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    yeah it is the interaction of the two fileds that makes the magnet hover
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    another probability q.

    When Medel crossed a tall strain of pea with a dwarf strain of pea, he found that 3/4 of the offspring were tall and 1/4 were dwarf; suppose 5 such offspring were selected at random. find the probability that at least 3 of these offspring were tall. its from the '91 HSC. answer is 459/512...
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    prepared essays

    if its worked in the trials i don't see why it wouldn't in the HSC