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  1. S

    Who does Mike Moore parody?

    i think ray martin because of his hair style
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    existence of the aether model

    well, for (1) u just talk about the experiment (method...) and say it's result was a null-result for (2) you talk about the modifications of the aether model that were proposed, lyk dat the aether was stuck to the earth, length contracted in the direction of the aether wind... hope dat...
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    Volumes Q.

    urgh, as u can tell i havn't been revising on 4u!
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    existence of the aether model

    according 2 my teacher u can't prove a negative, hence can not prove that aether does not exist so it has to be (1) The experiment was a null result and did not necessarily disprove the aether.
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    Volumes Q.

    isn't it V={∏.x^2.(y2-y1).dx??? cause its lyk V=∏r^2y
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    Volumes Q.

    NT-social is ur answer same as mine (81pi/200) cause if it is were probably wrong. if not ur probably right.
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    Volumes Q.

    post up ur answer when ur done
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    Volumes Q.

    well da curves intersect at x=1 right so the area is inclosed between x=1 and x=1/10
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    Volumes Q.

    iam probably wrong but is da answer 81/200 pi units cubed??
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    UAI Prediction please ...

    dats some wierd time-warping there!! newayz, yeah i tend 2 agree wit ^, all da ranks are pretty gud except chemistry. high 80s, low 90s for sure. casmira u wouldn't happen 2 know how many ppl got 90+ UAI at ur school last year?
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    uniform or mufty

    don't they have photo IDs??
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    Exam Strategy

    my maths teacher at school suggested that instead of doing the questions in order (1,2,3...) u instead do em in this order 1,2,3 then 7&8 then 6,5,4. he said this because he reckons that 1,2,3 get u warmed up and that ur at ur peak in the middle of the exam hence u do the really hard one then...
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    Subjects- 'What not to pick...'

    i know its probably been said before but DO NOT PICK IPT it is the most boring course ever!!! at first it seems alright when ur doin projects and all but when u have to study for the tests it is SOOOOO damn boring!!!
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    Uai estimate

    nah the CSSA 4u exam wasnt changed much, just the mechanics bits were taken out. and yes Jake the year is FULL of geniuses, well atleast 3 of em. 2 of them got 90+ and the other 88 or so. av for 4u was like 55 or so
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    Subjects that you regret doing

    IPT ----> sooooooooooooooooooooooo boring!!!!
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    damn trig

    u could also use the 't-formula'
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    isnt it "+" for product rule??
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    100% weighting?

    i would have thought u would know the structure of a subject before you chose it in year 10
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    which HSC books are good?

    if ur a lazy ass like me u cant go past the EXCEL REVISE HSC "subject here" IN A MONTH books.
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    how 2 study 4 IPT

    do u guys have any clue, cause i dont. do u make syllabus dot point notes, past papers?? thanks guys