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  1. S

    Probability question

    i think this is what he means; there are 5 cards given out right, 4 of them are taken up by A, i.e. AAAA_ the _ can be any of the remainig 48 cards.
  2. S

    UAC preferences

    whats the point of putting the 80UAI course below a say 75UAI or whatever. wont you get the 75UAI course offered to you even if your uai is higher than 80??
  3. S

    inverse functions

    i've seen this type of question before, i remember the first time i looked at it i had no idea aswell.
  4. S

    inverse functions

    yeah should be +1, damn silly mistakes!
  5. S

    inverse functions

    kool actually got 1 right. ok here is the method: first swap around x and y so you get x=1/2(e^y-e^-y) then i let u = e^y, so you get 2x=u-1/u, then multiply through by u so you get u^2 - 2xu -1=0 then use the quadratic formula to find what u equals, so you'll get...
  6. S

    Another UAI prediction? please like?

    dont think too many people are going to reply, due to your avatar. but seriously i reckon mid70s-low80s cause ur marks aren't too flashy but ranks ar OK.
  7. S

    inverse functions

    is the answer by any chance y=ln(x±√((x^2)-1))?? i'll show the working if iam right (small chance though)
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    inverse functions

    do you mean y=1/2(e^x-e^-x)?
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    SAME HERE! i could do maths or physics past papers for hours on end but can't study IPT for more than 1/2 hour. it just seems so pointless, IPT that is.
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    Preparing & studying for IPT hsc

    when you guys are doing past papers how do you mark them? i mean half of them are based on random situations.
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    need help with questions

    these are from CSSA 05 right? for question 1 the answer is C, because at launch the space craft is acc. up so that means their is a force towards the earth felt by the astronaut, hence eyeballs go in. coming back down the space craft is again acc. up (remember its slowing down) so the astronaut...
  12. S

    What hasn't been in recent physics HSCs????

    well put....
  13. S

    Uai estimate

    ok here are the grade's averages in the subjects; english adv - 76% maths 4u CSSA - 57% maths 3u CSSA - 75% physics CSSA - 63% IPT - 74% IT - 74%
  14. S

    Probability question

    so clever!!
  15. S

    cathode ray tubes

    the answer is (b) as the deflection plates control the position of the beam(X and Y), while the electrodes in the gun accelerate the electrons towards the screen. its not D for sure!
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    Australia's Brainest Kid

    what do you mean? it was the exact same thing
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    Australia's Brainest Kid

    that was pretty funny, someone should tell that kid ITS JUST A GAMESHOW!!!
  18. S

    Uai estimate

    i reckon our school will move up a few ranks this year, so don't worry we'll get you :p anybody else got a UAI prediction for me?
  19. S

    Practice papers

    hey guys, do u reckon that its better 2 do all of a past paper or just the harder questions i.e. 5,6,7 to save time. because after doing a few i find the first few pretty easy (not being arrogant :p ).