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  1. T

    Does God exist?

    Why do i need to question my beliefs? Also what is it to you? Why are my beliefs so important to you? You dont even know me and u probably will never know me
  2. T

    Does God exist?

    cause i believe God created everything as is hahahahahahahaha way to take it out of context but seriously if youre just going to mock me my conversation with you ends here Yes, just like every other conversation you have with another person when discussing opposing opinions. Doesn't mean...
  3. T

    Does God exist?

    No one knows the exact date but it is soon like its obvious from all the signs and prophesies in the bible that the end of this system is near
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    Does God exist?

    Lol no i meant like the bible i read from. & no where. they just die without the hope of resurrection or living forever. & if they lived their life without ever knowing God then God will give them a chance and if they still reject God then they will just die. cease to exist
  5. T

    Does God exist?

    Where are we going as in is what is the fate of mankind. No and millions of years sorry that your life is meaningless The Quran is basically a book of hell. If you dont do this you go to hell if you dont do that you go to hell. It also has some ridiculous teachings aswell. Its still...
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    Does God exist?

    What is the purpose of life? Where are we going? etc etc
  7. T

    Orientation and Course Planning~

    public transport is scary for me too. I have like not clue how to use it haha. I need to take 2 buses to get there and 2 to get back. 4 buses a day :( guess ill just have to get used to it
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    Orientation and Course Planning~

    whats the academic advising session?
  9. T

    Does God exist?

    LOL Did you seriously just compare the belief in god to naziism? -_- I have made a rational decision, I'm not just doing it because it 'feels right'. I said that because after I've told you the evidence for my beliefs you were still questioning them. It is also something that I feel is right...
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    Does God exist?

    because i choose life also i feel its right
  11. T

    Does God exist?

    science may answer your questions but it doesnt answer mine
  12. T

    Does God exist?

    Well the followers of my religion actually read the bible and FOLLOW it aswell. There are heaps of Christians, Muslims bla bla that just say they are that and then dont follow what their religion teaches.
  13. T

    ID card

    and UWS. I got mine within 2 mins lol
  14. T

    Does God exist?

    my beliefs are based on the bible and LOL i think you need to calm down God has the ability to see the future, he chose not to. The evidence is the bible. Honestly though, if this was all bs why is it still around. Why didnt people just ignore the bible and let it get lost in history? How...
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    Orientation and Course Planning~

    yes it was basically pointless, she just went through everything i'd already read online but atleast i was able to get my ID and concession and familiarise with the campus so it wasnt a complete waste i guess
  16. T

    Does God exist?

    1. He didn't create him evil. The devil was originally part of the perfect heavenly spirits. But he was jealous of Jehovah God and wanted to be worshipped as God was. 2. God could get rid of him but when the devil rebelled he challenged Jehovah God. When God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat...
  17. T

    Does God exist?

    God's reason for permitting evil is to answer the devils challenge. God didn't create humans with the intention of us suffering and dying. God will soon eliminate this system and the devil. Then there will be a new world where humans will live in paradise. I could give you an essay on what I...
  18. T

    Does God exist?

    its just like saying 'better safe than sorry' whats wrong with that though i do think God would rather we worship him out of love and want rather than out of fear or ending up somewhere we dont like
  19. T

    Does God exist?

    Who said anything about fear? Maybe believing in God is logical to some like it is illogical to you