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  1. gordo

    100 uai

    pretty shit
  2. gordo

    Sydney best place to eat: LA Times

    icebergs is soooooooooooooo expensive
  3. gordo

    Year 12 PiCS

    reply number 1000
  4. gordo

    what does this mean

    if u are away overseas or something u can get someone to put in your uac preferences for u (and accept offers)
  5. gordo


    no the f117 is primarily a stealth fighter b-2's are used for stealth bombings
  6. gordo

    Desperate Housewives - For those up to date with the US

    this show is nothing compared to lost and 24
  7. gordo

    URGENT: Truss Question

    if the diagram is correct, i.e the 50Kn foce causes no moment at B (sliding vecotr on a line through B) and u have just a normal external force at B and normal and tangent external force at A, then i got the force at B in the x-direction as ~125 kN (just using a free body diagram, no...
  8. gordo

    The Da Vinci Code...THE MOVIE

    may 19, omg we have to wait soooo long
  9. gordo

    Semester 2 exam timetable

    MATH1003 WED 9 NOV 12 - 1:40 10 MATH1005 FRI 11 NOV 12 - 1:40 10 ELEC1103 MON 14 NOV 9 - 11:10 10 LAWS1010 WED 16 NOV 1:50 - 4:20 30 pretty nice timetable
  10. gordo


    series 2 ep 1... OMG lost is the best show in the world (except 24)
  11. gordo


    it could be to a number of factors, it wasn;t very clear wat happened either the missile hit an escort plane and thus airforceone was indirectly hit (as chloe said), or the missile blew up just short of airforceone (which some missiles are designed to do) they blow up just before it and...
  12. gordo


    i don;t bloody beleive it that was insane wat a bloody crazy ending
  13. gordo

    trouble with the nano

    my sis got an ipod nano for her birthday a week ago and cause its so small she left it in her pocket and it went through the wash and broke. getting it replaced atm, but i imagine alot of ppl are going to have problems with keeping them alive
  14. gordo

    Inverse this please

    although doing it algebraicly don;t u get: x = (y-4)(y-1) x = y^2 - 5y +4 y^2 - 5y = x - 4 y^2 - 5y + (5/2)^2 = x - 4 - (5/2)^2 (complete the square) (y - (5/2) )^2 = x -41/4 y = sqrt(x - 41/4) + 5/2 u get x intercepts of 16.5 , 0 and 1 , 0 correct me if i'm wrong?
  15. gordo

    Inverse this please

    plot it, draw a y=x line and find the intercepts of the inverse
  16. gordo

    who works in a bar?

    special machines? glasses, bottles, perhaps beer on tap? wat special machines are there to make drinks? a cocktail shaker?
  17. gordo

    What pens will you be using in the HSC exam?

    i used a parker u want a pen that doesn't smudge and u can write quickly with
  18. gordo

    Unsw Interviews

    no 2 interviewers sitting on the other side of a about a 1 metre wide 2 metre long table
  19. gordo

    NRL Thread

    that game was pathetic, yes mander didn;t have a great one, but the dragons just played absolutely shit (as did the tigers in the 2nd half) neither team deserves to win the grand final
  20. gordo

    SRC Elections 2005

    at least our government doesn't blow the fuck out of uni students protesting against them...