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  1. TDjie

    Hsc 2007 Results..not Happy?were You Treated Unfair? Read This And Sign My Petition!

    Katey, in a way I feel bad for you as even though some people try extremely hard in their HSC year, they are still positioned in a bad place. It's like a mountain that you continuously have to climb, and it feels arduous for everyone. We're all facing the same system here - sad to say that one...
  2. TDjie

    Holiday Goals

    I think it's wonderful that 08ers are showing such initiative. Don't forget to spend some time on Christmas with those you care for most whilst considering the harsh influence of powering Christmas lights on the world's natural rhythms. Note: those you care for most does not mean your beloved...
  3. TDjie

    So who's screwed for legal studies?

    Aww! don't give up yet, there are some days to master the subject!
  4. TDjie

    Pages written

    Genre: Crime Fiction Essay: 13 Creative: 12 Total: 25
  5. TDjie

    General thoughts?

    Yaaay !!! Me too!! =) One to go!! jazzman: my creative was a letter written by a father of a protagonist who was also a detective, and how the daughter always took the letter with her when she went to various crime scenes. She was working on a case of female rape and bash victims and would...
  6. TDjie

    Your Exam Supervisors

    All of mine have been really nice, and swift with books. gotta love that ^__^~ and especially helping me to tie books at the end and organise them ~ Yay
  7. TDjie

    So, who's finished?

    mahahaha curse you legal studies! ;-;
  8. TDjie


    Amen girlfriend!!
  9. TDjie

    General thoughts?

    Yeahh ^__^ I did something like this, like a gateway to allow me to talk about values ~ ! ~ I also talked about characterisation alot and how the audience is connected to the archetypes within a text who are empassioned about sleuthing, or perpetrators who may be motivated by killing, and also...
  10. TDjie

    General thoughts?

    I felt the same way, kind of unexpected but you get that. I thought I adapted things, required a bit of planning but I manipulated it to fit the texts I had. ^^ I personally thought the question was a bit harder than usual and I would have liked something to do with the popularity of crime...
  11. TDjie

    Multiple Choice

    It can't be D. I therefore put C - why it can't be D is that it doesn't state anywhere in the scenario that the Wollemi Pine still exists and does actually come from outside the country therefore "Preventing the importation of Wollemi Pines into Australia' can't be correct. They stated "The last...
  12. TDjie

    Exam Thoughts

    I got the impression the first cell was Prophase I (crossing over) ?? = Metaphase I which was missing Anaphase I in the third (being pulled to opposite poles) I talked about random assortment, segregation, crossing over, and the halving of gamete numbers in fertilisation from both...
  13. TDjie

    Society Exam Section Ii

    ^___^ I thoroughly enjoyed it. hard exam~ My sac status is probably my second best subject to extension ~ I came 1st, and have only lost a few marks throughout this whole year in it, so i'm hoping for the best. I did Pop culture A) and Islam/Belief Systems A) I agree with some of you who...
  14. TDjie

    Options: Communication

    It was great =)
  15. TDjie

    Section 1

    Sigh, if I can remember correctly for me I interpreted Text 3 .. well. let me explain, text 1 and 2 were both about perspectives of a journey, and how you needed to be "empathetic" towards something or someone in order to understand or put yourself in their shoes and thus carry on with your own...
  16. TDjie

    Which pen for essay type subjects

    kilometrico srsly. buy bulk. =)
  17. TDjie

    And it's on. Are you ready?

    In the words of Spongebob Squarepants... I'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mready I'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mready I'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mreadyI'mready ... clearly this is just an illusion (AND I COULD SIMILARLY SAY, ALLUSION)...
  18. TDjie

    Year 12 Farewell Song

    We didn't really have one T.T ~ But a slideshow played at our formal and it had the song 'How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20' which I thought was super cool, it seems alot of our grade has taken it up too. :333 I'm glad it's nothing too cheesy - my Yr 6 one was I WILL SURVIVE~
  19. TDjie

    muck up day

    We attempted to have a muck up day. the teachers constantly tell us it's illegal and what not. Today our year advisors gave us a lecture about the consequences, because some idiots in our grade put food dye and tea in the reflection fountain (Year 12 especially built a garden for individuals who...
  20. TDjie

    Writting Speed

    Actually i've found that typing alot on the computer has helped me to develop my writing. :3; if I type alot it tends to help my fingers ~ Sometimes I also do finger exercises haha. like just moving them and also moving my wrists before I do any writing, but sometimes at separate intervals of...