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  1. TDjie

    Welcome Class of 2007

    on a lighter note: good luck everyone in trials coming up.
  2. TDjie

    Not going to the formal?

    :wave: jess It's your night. you make it what you want it to be. ^^ In a way, I kinda understand what you mean by people in your grade making you not want to go, but you know, I shouldn't be saying this but just because you think that you are a nerd or a geek, doesn't mean you aren't your own...
  3. TDjie

    Second-Generation Migrant Australians

    This is a questionnaire for Second-Generation Migrant Australians (BOTH parents were born overseas, and you were born here). It's a lengthy questionnaire so please take your time if you are able. Highlight the corresponding answer. I have difficulty in finding enough SGM to do my questionnaire...
  4. TDjie

    Not going to the formal?

    I don't mind going to the formal, even after the disaster of the year 10 one. My year 10 date and I vowed we'd go together for year 12, but he told me he doesn't think he wants to go. My response: "I'LL GIVE YOU FORMAL BEEYATCH!" XDDD No rly, I can understand fully: it's alot of money and i'd...
  5. TDjie

    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    Thanks guys. This term has been a major drag so far, I really need to get in gear again. I feel a bit sad and pressured but i'm sure things will work out. Thanks again guys. ^^ <3
  6. TDjie

    failing hsc and only 2 terms left help

    Yay!! UAI? What UAI? HSC? We're in year 12, what is this abbreviation? Eeeeeeee. :3 Like everyone has said, just work really hard and i'm sure you will make it up. The way I see it is we all still have a long way to go before our exams, so if you keep up some consistent marks you'll still be...
  7. TDjie

    help!!!A0S physical journey

    I'm not actually studying Shrek as one of my prescribed texts, and i'm glad i'm not cause i'd probably end up hating the movie. ^___^;; If you think about it, the entire text is obviously a physical journey because he leaves home - his "Geni Loci" or place of utter contentment, and goes out to...
  8. TDjie

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    I don't really have a best subject, or one that stands out from the others. I like all of my subjects equally so, that's kinda strange. XD;;
  9. TDjie

    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    Advanced English: 96% - Rank: 3/80 Extension English 1: 100% (of one task) - Rank: 1/8 Extension English 2: 100% (of two tasks) - Rank 1/5 Maths General: 95% - Rank 2/86 Biology: 89% - 2/39 Legal Studies: 94% - 2/25 Society and Culture: 100% - 1/25 A good semester for me I think. ^^
  10. TDjie

    What will you do when the HSC is finished? Life after the HSC...

    Re: HSC'S FINISHED!!! (what will you do) bonfire + useless books (I do say useless for a reason) + friends + isolated area + non-fire-ban-ish-day = happy fun time.
  11. TDjie

    Writing Personal Reflections

    Hi. I'm currently doing some methodologies for my personal interest project and I am about to write a Personal Reflection on my own experiences. My topic of choice is cultural discrimination in Second-Generation Migrant Australians and how this has impacted their identity. I was wondering if...
  12. TDjie

    to cliche?

    In all honesty, I don't think it's cliche. You can start with the most simplistic idea/concept and own it. What does that mean? Make it into something intricate, with detail, personal, make it voice what you want to say and what you want to explore. I love the idea of EE2, that you can begin...
  13. TDjie

    EE2 2007 bitch and procrastination thread

    That bloody prose.
  14. TDjie

    Girls, what do you think of boys who cry?

    I think it's cute when guys cry, but not ALL THE TIME. If something happens that really effects them, it shows emotion and sensitivity which is normally hard to see within some guys. Guys who cry alot kinda freak me out a little. ^^; Those who write poems and those who cry can't be classified...
  15. TDjie

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    Laugh Out bloody Loud. >:
  16. TDjie

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    I think i'm the opposite. I tend to be able to motivate myself and be happy about it because I know that the work i'm putting in is going to be beneficial for me later on, and I think I just genuinely like learning (most days). I don't have the parental support that everyone dreams of. I come...
  17. TDjie

    HSC Exam Timetable?

    hey jess =) I read your post and knew it was you. complaints. haha. i've got a study period this morning~ hopefully it's up before second period. *studies extension 1 speech whilst waiting* >:
  18. TDjie

    Virginia Tech Shootings (Merged)

    Re: Virginia Tech Shootings amen. "Disarming" may work in a long, long period of time. The way I see it is the US has screwed themself over by allowing people to have guns for such a long time. There are shooting clubs and infinite amount of members. It's part of US cultural history. Any...
  19. TDjie

    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    Term 4 English Advanced: 15/15 Society and Culture: 10/10 Legal Studies: 10/10 Biology: 39/42 Extension 1 Eng: No Task Extension 2 Eng: 10/10 General Maths: 23.5/24 Term 1 So far: English Advanced: 27/30 >: Extension 2 Eng: 10/10
  20. TDjie

    Weekend Progress

    O, Viva Voce Prep. Dear oh dear... Extension 1 Morality in Crime Fiction speech research. = X____X