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  1. TDjie


    Re: First Preferences? B. Arts/Science - UNCLE ~ Yaya! ^_^
  2. TDjie

    Early morning Vs. Late night Studying...

    i personally enjoy night time study, it's peaceful and there is no daylight to distract me from looking out my window. :3 i also enjoy staying up late and looking like trash in the morning (no sarcasm) haha.
  3. TDjie

    AFP wrong about Haneef

    I was under the impression that regardless of time spent and personal cost, Mr. Haneef would not be compensated due to terrorist laws being acceptable under the Howard Govt. If there was breach of human rights while he was detained then that would most likely be another story. Newspaper pictures...
  4. TDjie

    Who Has Had Their Trials?

    Re: Trial Results. The last two weeks of last term was when I sat my trials and I was as stressed out as anyone who is doing their trials is now. The trials were all I could think about ontop of assessments and the pressures of my major work. Pulling it back earlier is equally as tough...
  5. TDjie

    the HSC is not your life!!!

    RIGHTTTT AWWWWNN SISTAH!!!!@ there's no use being depressed over school. however, I do have to mention that I was a bit depressed during the trial period. Why oh why. well i'm fine now and taking it easy and just trying to boost my confidence levels before I go back to school. It's...
  6. TDjie

    mini pip survey

    1) How old are you? 16 2) What is your gender?  Female 3) Have you ever been verbally abused during adolescence (ages between 10- 20)?  Yes 4) What was/is the gender of your attacker? Male 5) Were/are you abused by: One person A small group of people A large group of people...
  7. TDjie

    Who Has Had Their Trials?

    I've had my trials already. would be willing to help with any questions, however do take into account many of us have done different modules for things such as English and may differ in responses. XD I've done Module A and B but not C for Advanced English if anyone needs assistance.
  8. TDjie


    failure to me is not doing my personal best. selling yourself short, to put it simply.
  9. TDjie


    I just buy the papermate pens in bulk and in the trial I carried 5 blues and 2 blacks. Only one of these eventually ran out and I have been using them for two terms. That's mighty good if you ask me. I'd prefer to buy pens in bulk like that, rather than spending more money on a good but single...
  10. TDjie

    What games are you playing now during the holidays?

    PS2 - KH Again KH 2 PC - Hopefully the new Neverwinter Nights game ^-^~~!
  11. TDjie

    Skrewed up your trials?

    My trials have been okay so far, apart from the fact I was unprepared for my biology exam as it was scheduled for the same day as Advanced Paper 2 Modules at our school and I had two other exams before that, same week. ;_; I barely did any study but i'm still relatively confident of my mark.
  12. TDjie

    Eng Ext 1: To drop or not to drop?

    I used to do 4unit english until I dropped E2 because it was taking up too much of my time. The thing is I really loved writing, I was coming first in my class but it was too much to bring with me to the trials. I think you should drop it if you're stressed about it, it's not what your mum wants...
  13. TDjie

    results in half yearlys

    thank you! everything has been rather peachie so far, but in my trial tomorrow i think i'll be going a little downhill. XD;
  14. TDjie

    HSC- Easier Said Than Done?

    duplicity ftw.
  15. TDjie

    HSC- Easier Said Than Done?

    I often do that alot~ the dreaming about after the HSC part. :3 I also think about the moment i'll be sitting my HSC exam, hehe, just cause it's kind of exciting to think about. I think alot about graduation too, and how it's going to feel to be putting 13 years behind me. this is the kind of...
  16. TDjie

    how do you know your STUDENT NUMBER?

    what? they did?! u-u~ that's the first i've heard of this. I never have sought to learn my student number so unfortunately I have no clue, until now. Thanks jess. :3333 Hehe!
  17. TDjie

    results in half yearlys

    Yea. I got my results back a while ago, got 100% ~ I was so amazed and happy. all I can say is I love belief systems and globalisation. I have gotten 100% for all my assessments this year for society and culture.. I kinda hope I don't mess up just so I can see it continue. o.O My trial though is...
  18. TDjie

    International Travel

    Have You Travelled Overseas? Yeps If Yes, Where? Hong Kong Would You Like To Travel Overseas? Yes Where To? North America - Ohio, California, Hawaii, Europe and China Do You Have Family Overseas That You Would Visit? Yes, I have family in Hong Kong What Would Be Your Main Attraction To...
  19. TDjie

    Recipe for WHITE Icing

    World Environment Day, Theme 2007: Melting Ice - A hot topic?
  20. TDjie

    Favourite word(s)

    Beverage [bev-er-age, bev-er-ij, bev-rij] - Noun any potable liquid, esp. one other than water, as tea, coffee, beer, or milk Effervescent [ef-er-ves-uhnt] - Adjective 1.bubbling. 2.vivacious; lively; sparkling. Eloquently [el-uh-kwuh-nt-ly] - Adverb movingly expressive...