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  1. TDjie

    Recipe for WHITE Icing

    Our school is mass-muffin making for World Environment Day and I thought white icing would be rather nifty for the theme. Anyway I was wondering if anyone has a quick and easy way of making large amounts of white icing which is muffin-spreadable and just the right texture? ^^
  2. TDjie

    Is anyone suffering from sleep depravation?

    i was last week, only getting about 6 hrs a night, and with 18th parties along with study and majors, it makes it worse. i would get home and pretty much feel like napping. after having a very lazy saturday where i napped and slept, i feel so much more energetic this week. one thing's certain...
  3. TDjie

    Subjects you wish you DID do

    Physics and Earth and Environmental perhaps.
  4. TDjie

    Viva Voce

    I got 10/10 for my first. It went well, I just mindmapped the questions and thought about the main ideas I was going to talk about and it kind of just flowed from there. My second viva is on this Tuesday so.. yeah. I think it will be more difficult seeing as I don't have much of a draft to...
  5. TDjie

    ONE question Survey...every body Please post response :)

    A costume is something novelty that people wear to be different and to be unique. Costumes are used on varies ocassions such as parties (a popular one for teens), holidays, events such as weddings etc. The costume one chooses may have some significance in their life, or to their friends. Often...
  6. TDjie

    Second-Generation Migrant Australians

    Thanks for your help everyone. Finally collected 30 and my cross-cultural comparison will be ownage. ^^ <3 Thread can be closed now, or what not.
  7. TDjie

    School Uniform Or Casual Clothes For The HSC Exams?

    The thought of having reverse cycle in our 50 year old hall is hilarious, hence my contiuous LOLing on msn to you jess. =)
  8. TDjie

    School Uniform Or Casual Clothes For The HSC Exams?

    Ack, our school is letting us wear casual clothing, just as well because i'm not going in uniform if it's like 30 degree heat. We don't have air-conditioning in our hall where the exams take place. Our school is also multi-form meaning you can pretty much wear anything that's within the school...
  9. TDjie

    Bullying victim in line for $1m payout

    Yeah. You can't just generalise and say this guy was discriminated against in the same ways you are. I have been a victim of discrimination, everyone has at one point, does that mean we get a $1m payout? No. Not unless it's so serious it gets to the point where it's taken to court like this kid...
  10. TDjie

    Essential DS games

    yay pokemon pearl.
  11. TDjie

    2007 Jerseys

    The jerseys we have at our school seem to be really nice this year. I am tempted to get one just to imprint TEDDY on the back.. of course no one calls me Teddy but I just think the nickname is so adorable. ;___; <3
  12. TDjie

    What do you do, when your brain refuses to work?

    I feed my brain what it wants, entertainment or recreational activity~ then I feed myself candy :3~ just try to push on without getting distracted even if it takes you hours to get motivated - think about the consequences of not working?
  13. TDjie

    Achieving and Competition

    Do you find a need to push people in your class to keep up with you so you will all benefit from the ranking system? I've always wondered how many people who are ahead of everyone ever stop to ask someone if they need help.
  14. TDjie

    Achieving and Competition

    I have a bit of a question for you guys, who, like me work fairly hard at school in all subjects. Everyone in their school has a person or people who are perceived as being the high achievers, good scorers, possible-dux recipients. These people are those who we often try to overcome in...
  15. TDjie

    worried about sc

    Aww, don't worry too much. I'm sure when the time comes you'll be fine. Just study up your subjects and practice your online questions, try not to get distracted by anything. If you're very worried, maybe you need to go do something relaxing for a while, forget about studying and then come back...
  16. TDjie

    Second-Generation Migrant Australians

    Thank you for pointing that out. I wrote this up last year so i've been very slack with the distribution. Thanks ^^
  17. TDjie

    About you

    I'm Amy and i'm 16 years old ~ have never been behind the wheel in my life. I'm a cantonese-Australian girl who likes to drink various kinds of tea. Yes. I don't drink alcohol unless you trick me into it. ;__; I enjoy going out and staying home. I'm not a fan of 18th birthday parties, and i'm...
  18. TDjie

    Motivation tips for ENGLISH

    English, you're right, is an entirely different ball game. But if you can structure an essay well, you can pretty much structure anything. Don't forget about the creative writing. What you need to do is not look at English as a whole, but look at it in seperate sections so it seems like it's...
  19. TDjie

    How's your major work going?

    My Ext 2 one is.. well.. coming. ^^;; My Society and Culture PIP is moving along quite peachily. :3
  20. TDjie

    Assessment Marks/Ranks so far

    Great marks you guys~ =^__^= Best year evar.