Search results

  1. P

    Theatre Reviews for IP

    look @ the demographs...have u been to star city?? most of the crap they show there is musicals (started with showboat, we will rock you, mamma mia, blah blah) and do u look @ the demograph there?? just the common people who want to be impressed by fast set changes and music...the demograph is...
  2. P

    Best Economics Textbook

    yer i think the hard 1 is skool told us 2 buy riley as text thats y i bought it! btw for the very latest eco data go2 the leading edge website...absolutely fabulous...everything there is upto date there you...
  3. P

    Case Study

    go2 the cia website...i think its cia! search it on google...they have like country profiles also go2 the department of foreign affairs website...or 1 of the federal government sites and search china, its good coz it views china from Australias economic view...links it bk 2 aust those got...
  4. P

    Best Economics Textbook

    OI! I used Tim Riley's book and i got 95 for eco! my eco teacher said theres 3 main books: leading edge - easy Tim Riley - middle something else - hard i had leading edge in yr 11 prelim...far too explicit and doesnt cover things like comparative advantage... tim riley is great...
  5. P

    How come we dont get free transport, TAFE does?

    Why is it that TAFE people have the posibility of gaining a free transport card (if you live outside a radius or something), whereas uni people only get a concession price?? Discrimination?? Its not like we have a full time salary or something! (well, most of us!).
  6. P

    Big Brother 2005!

    just gotta say one thing... GRETEL KILLEEN!!!!!!!!! NNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. P

    How you study ENGLISH?

    in short: 1) ENSURE you read/view your texts!!! A couple of times if possible. You cannot expect to do well in essays if you dont even know what you are talking about. 2) GET DOWN important quotes...hence the word IMPORTANT...meaningful...when including them in your essay, stupid and...
  8. P

    IP 2005 help.. - Critical Analysis

    ask your teacher for copies of exemplar ones from previous years, they will give you the best idea of what you need. they're either in the standard packages that most teachers get, or maybe even in the resources section of this it.
  9. P

    Which buses from UTS to QVB?

    thanx a lot folks! real help
  10. P

    The Amazing Race

    WOOHOO! thankfully Chip and Kim won, and not that bloody Arrogant prick Colin... he had a double side to him! i swear if he had won he would have gone IN YOUR FACE CHIP!!! and damn he got all those holidays...poor Brendan and Nicole
  11. P

    Theatre Reviews for IP

    lol reminds me of a DVD ive got of Les Miserables...ABSOLUTE CRAP...just like a concert, except they might leave the stage differently and hint...just because the stage may be big and fancy...dont generalise that for the whole play...elements of productions are meant to aid a
  12. P

    Secrets to Economics

    economics is VERY much in the NOW, you need to ensure u know the very latest of figures...although having said that they wont deduct marks if it is like 1 month old or something...just ensure its quite accurate. and memorise numbers!!! eg eco growth, inflation rate, interest rate, etc., but...
  13. P


    Explain why Quality of Life indicators as well as income indicators are used to measure standards of living explain - cause and effect... quality of life and income indicators - include stuff like GDP per capita, that UN quality life number, genii co-efficient, etc. EFFECT - what is the...
  14. P

    Which buses from UTS to QVB?

    hey to anyone who currently attends UTS, wat r the state transit bus numbers that go from UTS (preferably Haymarket campus) to QVB, or in that area? how frequent are they and how much does it cost?? and btw, plz dont tell me to go to, ive already been there and it is...
  15. P

    UTS B Business/B Law UAI artificially increased?

    absolution, did your friend make it with a 94 through the main round or late round offers?
  16. P

    UTS B. Bus vs Macq B. Com (Accounting)

    UTS is the only uni of the major 4 to offer B opposed to B commerce...which is better, since business is focused on the practical side, rather than the theories of commerce... while UNSW has THE name for commerce, remember UTS is relatively new, and that UTS is quickly gaining a...
  17. P

    accepting offers online

    im in the exact same situation...leave country on jan 17, return jan 30... as far as i know, UNSW lets you enrol online BUT you'll need the details like log in name and password from the offering letter they send you, so you'll need to actually get the letter first. USYD, UTS, Macq all want...
  18. P

    That Anthony song.

    omg he just sux! pop should not sing opera, as opera should not sing pop...i wouldnt race out and buy Pavarotti's version of oops i did it again!!! carols by candlelight OMFG, just shows they cant get anyone else to sing but idol people...even millsy was better!!!
  19. P

    Theatre Reviews for IP

    and btw i do agree with everyone else...musical is definately've studied DRAMA for the last couple of years, not musicals...and LOTS and LOTS of people are going to see these big productions...try look for a niche as well
  20. P

    Theatre Reviews for IP

    i actually commited myself to seeing a play every month and spending that month composing and working on that particular play before seeing the one in February, March, April, May, which leaves like 3 months to finish, polish, or even re-write! reviews personally i find seeing...