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  1. llamalope

    the OC

    bloody oath, yes
  2. llamalope

    Psyc Questions

    the 2 courses aren't related that much. content is very different. the only thing you might be disadvantaged for is the report writing, because we went through that in detail last semester, and we've already has practice in writing for psytchology, whereas you wouldn't have. But if you get the...
  3. llamalope

    The Mole - Grant or Tom??

    is this show even still on, or have they canned it yet due to public disgust
  4. llamalope

    spicks and specks

    i love this show espicially when they play substitute.... woohoo go spics and specs
  5. llamalope

    The Mole - Grant or Tom??

    omg who cares about tom williams. One shirtless dance on what is possibly the single dumbest show on tv, and now his face is everywhere. Bring back grant.
  6. llamalope

    the OC

    did you buy it online or in the states or something? wait... i thought season 2 was only going to become available in october
  7. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    oi... just cause you cant dance.... haha
  8. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    thats what boogie nights is for... as madsoc says 'dance is vertical foreplay' lol
  9. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    omg we're like SAME!!! and the same age too.... freaky. I was going to go to the formal and fettish party with my madsoc friends, but i have my audition for waapa the next day. but what sucks is i have a 3 hr chem prac, and a psych report due on my b'day
  10. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    thats the day before my b'day.... i'll only come if you come on the 15th to boogie nights
  11. llamalope

    Girls with big bums!

    the beauty of my arse is that i know how to move it on the dance floor. If anybody saw sydney uni's bubble, you would have seen all of us girls shaking our asses like there's no tomorrow. Having a bum is more fun when you go to clubs.. it just makes dancing so much sexier in my opinion ;)
  12. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    Did anybody see the bubble today? We were in it... OMG its so hot in there... and there was like no fucking room. But it was hillarious. Most fun I've had in ages. I guess I'm a born exhibitionist.. I wonder if a gave out fliers to any BOS people today. That would be hillarious...
  13. llamalope

    Too soon?

    one guy i went out with started kissing me on our first date, at the movies in the commercials... the movie hadn't even started yet. Yep... I have no idea what mater and commander was about. That was my first kiss too. although this guy didn't (and still doesn't) have any idea of what is an...
  14. llamalope

    Why Does Australia TV Make Crap

    no. enough said hey you changed your ava back!
  15. llamalope

    ECON 1002

    OMG... so glad my mid semester was an essay (stream 6)
  16. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    isn't that the traveling art gallery? OH and this thursday at 3 there is a FREE hip-hop/funk class taught by Juliette Verne, a proffesional dancer/teacher, who is coming out especially for verge. This class is open to all USU members, of all ages and dance experience. We paid for her to come...
  17. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    then you should deffinately come. besides, i am premiereing a new work to Radiohead's Kid A. I need an audience!!! plus... my famous hotpants are making another appearance ;)
  18. llamalope

    Why Does Australia TV Make Crap

    ABC is the only channel that has good aussie tv. or at least has good aussie comedy. f*** if i see another shitty australian reality TV show, i'm gonna puke. OMG dancing with the stars is coming back on. KILL DARYL SOMMERS!!!!
  19. llamalope

    Verge Arts Festival 5th -23rd September 2005

    I think verge deserves its own thread. For those of you living under a rock, verge is the annual arts festival and involves 3 weeks of art, music, performances, open air cinema (harry potter in the quad). Who has decided what events they want to go to? anybody involved in anything special...
  20. llamalope

    Brogden resigns

    forgive me generator, i heard that he was staying on, on the radio this morning, AFTER he had attempted obviously they were wrong...Or there was some mis-communication.