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  1. llamalope

    the OC

    so I watched the episode "The Secret" tonight. hmmmm... yeah... not the best episode imo... a bit cringe worthy at times. But the ending was definately worth it... (I'm just full of quotes) When luke's despairing that he will only be remembered as the guy with the gay dad... "Yeah well...
  2. llamalope

    Flyer's etc.

    thats what I do.... especially that day that there were all these international students trying to harass me for an interview...
  3. llamalope

    Skinny Leg Jeans

  4. llamalope

    the OC

    ur avatar was one of my favourite moments.... in season 2... "You really want to know what's wrong?" "yes!" "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *throws deck chair in pool* :p
  5. llamalope

    Flyer's etc.

    how and why do you get shitty jobs like that?
  6. llamalope

    Flyer's etc.

    you're one of them aren't you.....
  7. llamalope

    Flyer's etc.

    as soon as the people with the fliers see me, I immediately scowl and try to avoid walking within arms distance of them. Don't talk... just walk.... stay away from the darkside!!!!!
  8. llamalope

    attention stream 6 econ1002 people

    I hope there's not something wrong with my blackboard account.....
  9. llamalope

    attention stream 6 econ1002 people

    help me!!!!!!!!!! is anybody in Introductory macroeconomics, stream 6? Because Catherine Roc said that the lecture notes are up on blackboard in the resources folder... the only problem is... THERE'S NO RESOURCES FOLDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am i being a total idiot and looking in the wrong place? I...
  10. llamalope

    how's macro lecturer from each stream?!

    help me!!!!!!!!!! is anybody in stream 6? Because Catherine Roc said that the lecture notes are up on blackboard in the resources folder... the only problem is... THERE'S NO RESOURCES FOLDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am i being a total idiot and looking in the wrong place? I don't want to send her an email...
  11. llamalope

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    yeah I'm in math1005 with you guys. I was the one who knew the golf question :D other than that I'm in Chem1102 mon/wed/fri at 9:00, friday 12:00, prac thurs 2:00 math1005 mon/tues 11:00, wed 10:00 psyc1002 mon/wed 10:00 fri 1:00, thursday 12:00 math1004 wed 8:00, thurs 1:00, mon 10:00...
  12. llamalope

    Psyc missing from webct

    ohhh good.... I'm not alone
  13. llamalope

    the OC

    ok so here's installation 3 of my OC commentary. Was watching episode 11, season 1 (The Homecoming) tonight. I think that is one of the wittier episodes written. Seth has so many good lines in that episode, i was just in hysterics on the couch. Loving how they played orange sky when Marissa...
  14. llamalope

    Psyc missing from webct

    help! on my Web CT page, it has displayed all my subjects except psychology 1002 does anybody else have this problem? is it not up yet? if it is, how can i get it on to my page???
  15. llamalope

    the OC

    you wish!!!!
  16. llamalope

    what's the nicest thing your boss has done for you

    Yay. I feel valued today. I went to check my pay slips for the last 2 weeks, and attached to one of them was a slip of paper saying "Congratulations Serena, we value your hard work and effort every day" and attached to that was a voucher for a free lunch in the centre. I got a thai beef salad at...
  17. llamalope

    Skinny Leg Jeans

    I'm sorry.... I dislike skinny jeans. they make me look fat (and I certainly am not).... and they aren't too flattering on all the people I've seen in them... Unless you have absolutely no thighs and no bum, because they draw attention to those areas, which in my opinion are the two areas of a...
  18. llamalope

    last 5 CDs u bought/obtained

    yeah well I only bought it because in the holidays I did class (by class I mean ballet) to it, and it sounded like it might have some interesting music to choreograph to... but now that I have started working on a group piece to Kid A... I'm not feeling very inspired... although... it has...
  19. llamalope

    the OC

    because I've listened to the CD's so much before I got the season 1 box set, I now get excited when the songs come on. Yes, I know... I'm sad
  20. llamalope

    the OC

    go to then go to features (I think) and it tells you which songs who with which episode. Have mix 1 and mix 2 (Did we not get mix 3 here or something?). Waiting for mix 4 to come out. I am in love with alexi murdoch. MARRY ME NOW AND SING TO ME ALL NIGHT LONG. Sorry... had to get...