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  1. llamalope

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    When i was enrolling at the beginning of the year, I didn't like the fact that integral requires 'satisfactory' knowledge of math1001.... I'd prefer to start afresh. PLus, I'm not doing any maths next year (If I'm still here) so i dont need integral. good riddance to bad rubbish I say :p
  2. llamalope

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    yep... y, is that a problem?
  3. llamalope

    the OC

    go to the general school forum if you want to talk about exams!
  4. llamalope

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    yay... I'M NOT DOING MATH1003! i was initially scared by that prospect, but i am much prefering discrete maths atm. Go Dr Choo... what a psycho! :p
  5. llamalope

    Re-O Day

    the tall blonde one ;) It was actually a dance for the 5 madsoc company members, but two went back to america after their semester abroad, and the other one was on hols... but hey... nobody else could fit on that totally shit stage anyway
  6. llamalope

    Re-O Day

    that was me! that was me!
  7. llamalope

    the OC

    So... I Watched The Best chrismukka Ever last night. I like most of that episode... especially when Ryan finally hangs his stocking up. except for the fact that oliver appears. GRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr i hate oliver... as much as i hate george from DH. I mean, who does he think he is, that he can come...
  8. llamalope

    Re-O Day

    well that was a big non-event... apart from me dancing on the shittest stage ever.... anybody go to this? anybody see any performances, apart from my dance duo. I think this was very badly advertised. They could have at least put in some effort.
  9. llamalope

    the official anyone in anything i am in thread

    yay... i know who you are now!!!!!
  10. llamalope

    The Pill

    yeah... i know if took the pill, I'd be in the same boat as you pinkblink....nope... its condoms for me. If my bf doesn't like it, well... lets just say "if its not on, its not on!"
  11. llamalope

    anyone know the rates for mcdonalds,kfc or bakers delight?

    yay... i get a payrise in a month and 22 days..... very excited.
  12. llamalope

    hair products

    because if you use shampoo less, your hair will become less oily... you really should only wash your hair 1-2 times per week... its better for it....
  13. llamalope

    Sex Toys

    sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;)
  14. llamalope

    The Pill

    5 kg???????wtf? I can't afford to gain 5 kilos.... its hard enough trying to lose 3 kilos....
  15. llamalope

    hair products

    apart from shampoo and conditioner... i just use dream curls by john frida or any kind of mousse to tame my naturally curly hair, and secret weapon, by john frida for a glossy straight blowdry.
  16. llamalope

    Sex Toys

    hmmm... yes... electric toothbrushes...they're very intense..... but it doesn't last long...
  17. llamalope

    girls on top

    i dunno.... I think in some ways bottom is better, because you get the pressure of somebody leaning on you, and better skin-to skin contact, which can make it more intimate... but on top, I think you are more likely reach the big O....
  18. llamalope

    The Pill

    ^^^ the number one reason why I don't go on it.....
  19. llamalope

    Flyer's etc.

    I'm sorry... I know I'm a girl, and I don't really get how the male's brain works, but I don't see that Rose jackson is hot....
  20. llamalope

    Flyer's etc.

    they seriously wouldn't take no for an answer... i swear they were in training to be telemarketers...