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  1. M

    2003 UAIs

    Oh yeh, and I went to a non-selective, public school. Go them, they rock!
  2. M

    2003 UAIs

    99.0 I'm so happy, it's just what i needed! :D All the hard work paid off :):):):)
  3. M

    Post Your HSC Society and Culture Marks Here!

    98 It was so weird, because this was the subject i studied the least for..... but then, I worked really hard on my PIP. Wasn't the best mark i got but. Hopefully top 10
  4. M

    how did all the 2003ers go?

  5. M

    2003 HSC Marks

    Well, i posted in another forum, but i guess seeing everyone is going here ill post here. English Advanced - 84 B5 English Extension 1 - 46/50 E4 English Extension 2 - 47/50 Ancient History - 99 B6 Modern History - 93 B6 Society and Culture - 98 B6 Pretty happy, but devestated about...
  6. M

    2003 HSC results

    i got mine! English advanced - 84 English Extension 1 - 46/50 English Extension 2 - 47/50 Ancient History - 99 (omg, i HATED that subject) Modern History - 93 Society and Culture - 98 (i thought id struggle to get 90s) It's ok i guess, and im very please, though a bit upset about...
  7. M

    question about first in subject and all-rounders

    I actually don't think all-rounders are informed.... they just find out on the 18th. They are then published in the paper as 'All-Rounders', and are given a Premiers award at a ceremony sometime next year. It's only those who top a course that find out early, and those who obtain a UAI of 100...
  8. M

    Raw Marks!

    Hey, Just because you DON'T get a certificate of distinction does NOT mean your PIP didn't do well (ie- 27-30) Working on what you said Survivor, only about 10 people in the state would have got 27-30, and that's stupid. The ones at the state library are the OUTSTANDING (and often most...
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    I thought the Germany question was fantastic. I basically centred it on Volksgemeinschaft, talking about three specific groups (industrial workers, women and youth). I then talked about cultural changes and then addressed the historiographical debate concerning the social revolution.... It was...
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    Cold War

    OMG, the questions were the BEST EVER! I loved them! I did Gorbachev and it just played into my hands.... I thought they were so much better than the questions for the past two years, based on the fact I prefer issues such as the end of the Cold War, detente and summits..... I thought it would...
  11. M

    QII - What pic you used

    I used the plane... It was a parallel (slightly postmodern) story which explored what would happen if a woman did or didn't change... in one part she was a socialite, whilst in the other she was poverty stricken, but I untimately showed how change was positive as: Kathryn (person who didn't...
  12. M

    Luther case study

    I don't do it, but the past two years my school has, and I have some fantastic notes and essays on it... I was even going to just study that and put good ole Lizzie in the can :P Still tempted to, seeing as the girl who wrote them got 49/50.... but no, it's too boring (not that Elizabeth isn't :P)
  13. M

    History and memory- Life is Beautiful

    Karlee, I'm so cut, you didn't ask me!!!!!!!!!! :P and btw nerrd, there's no need to be rude. Next Friday I'll bring my notes and you can get them photocopied, k? Seeya 2moro!!!!!!!! :D
  14. M

    Swap Essays!! - Leni, Indochina, Germany, WW1

    Hey! I swap you some essays on Germany... Send me an email, or add me to your MSN list: Talk soon!
  15. M

    Elizabeth I - Swap notes?

    Hey guys, Was wondering if anyone would like to swap notes on Elizabeth? I have some very good and comprehensive notes on the whole issue of Gender and Identity. If you'd like to, send me an email, or add me to your MSN list: Talk soon! :) Oh, and btw, I...
  16. M

    Yet another prediction request... Sorry guys!

    Hey guys! I'm just a tad nervous atm, and was wondering if any of you could give me a prediction? I have all my trial marks back (and hence my overall marks) except for English Ext 1, which the lazy teacher is yet to give back. But anyway, I cant wait any longer! Subject/ Trial mark/...
  17. M

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    Hey! I do the Minoans, Sparta, Akhenaten and New Kingdom Egypt from Amenhotep III to Ramesses II. Send me a message if you want to chat, and if you have msn, send me your addy and I'll add you to my list.
  18. M

    So, how was the Ancient trial?

    I got mine back today....... i got 90% which was 1st, so I'm pretty pleased.... though I stuffed up the 5 mark question in the personality part.... I could have easily got 4 more marks... oh well, next time eh! and spin spin, don't stress, ur so talented, you'll be fine come HSC! Smile! :)
  19. M

    Trial Marks>>

    I got mine back today. i got 49/50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so happy, but a little annoyed because the teacher said she HAD to take a mark off me beause she couldn't make me perfect. Oh well, I'm pleased, and it was my last exam when I was burnt out and was cramming at 1am the morning before...
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    Marks for project

    I got mine back today. I did it on "Richard III - Paradigm of Evil or Paragon of Good?" I got 38/40, so I was pleased, because it was first :) Well done to you guys too!!!!!