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  1. M

    PIP mark

    Hey people, EVeryone loves my PIP, but I honestly don't know, this is such a subjective subject, so I'll just have to wait and see... I think between 27-29, though it all depends on the markers. My teacher marks PIP's and says it is possible to get 30, though I do think it's a rarity. Hey...
  2. M

    Additional material for 'In the Wild'

    Cool, that's what I thought, but my teacher told me we had to, so I got a bit confused. Has anyone had a look at the syllabus? I was sure we didn't need it, but can someone double check and let us know. Thanks
  3. M

    Additional material for 'In the Wild'

    Heya, Does anyone have any suggestions for additional material for 'In the Wild', suitable for The Tempest/The Explorers. Any suggestions would be appreciated, and if anyone doing this unit wants to talk about it/exchange notes or essays, just send me a message. Thanks guys
  4. M

    A Proposition

    Hey, I did the same historical period as you and am almost finished summarising it. I've summarised Amenhotep III, Akenaten (in-depth, bc he's our personality), and am going through Seti I and Ramesses II atm. If you'd like to swap notes, send me a message. (btw, i have MSN) TTYL
  5. M

    historians for elizabeth

    Hey, Who wants to swap notes for Elizabeth? Anyone interested, send me a message (btw- i have MSN) Talk to you soon!
  6. M

    UAI Prediction

    Hey, Would anyone like to make a prediction for me? I'm slightly bored at the moment, so I thought I might as well give it a go. I go to a non-selective school, however the dux last year was 95.95 and the year before 99.85. English Advanced: 1/16 93% (so far) English Extension 1: 1/5...
  7. M

    Study Notes

    Hey, Seeing as it's getting close to the Trials it would be good to swap notes. I have a whole assessments task I did on equality and difference (on the aborigines, and I also have a report of homosexuality) and a case study on television as a popular culture. Anyone like to swap notes? Send me...
  8. M


    Anyone want to swap notes or essays with me??? I have a fair amount of stuff on postmodernism, send me a message if you want to (i have MSN, so send me ur addy if u want me to add u 2 my list)
  9. M


    LOL, Howell is a teacher at my school... not a great teacher either, believe me. I have his book too, but a lot of the stuff is irrelevant. I've found more concise books and essays on Speer that are really helpful.
  10. M

    Wanna Swap Notes

    Hey guys, I thought seeing as it's getting close to the trials, you might want to swap notes. I have lots on the historians, and I'm doing Elizabeth I. Send me an email, or message me over here. I have MSN if you want to send me your address, I'll add you to my list. Talk to you soon!
  11. M


    Heya, Our school is doing postmodernism..... I think it's great, though it can be quite draining.... Don't you love all the concepts???? They make you feel so smart :) If anyone wants to trade notes/talk about the subject, send me a message..... I have MSN CYA L8R!!!!!!!!!!
  12. M

    Additional material on 'Changing Worlds'

    Does anyone know what I could use as additional material for changing worlds? My text is Ender's Game, and if anyone has any notes/past exams/anything on changing worlds, contact me please! Also, if anyone is doing this for the HSC and would like to talk/share ideas, let me know Thanks :)
  13. M

    Yr 12 2003, PIP topics

    Hey people, What are you thinking about doing for your PIP topics? I think the sentiment that the hardest part about the PIP is choosing the topic is actually correct. I have an idea, but am yet to come to a concrete decision... there are so many options, I don't want to commit myself yet. By...
  14. M

    Y11 people how did you go in exams?

    Eng Adv- 93% Eng Ext- 85% Ancient- 86% Modern- 89% Society- 97% Science- 90% 2unit maths-, i dropped it
  15. M

    Newcastle Lecture/ Mentors

    Hi everyone, What did you think of the lecture at newcastle? It has made me confused, as there is such a wealth of information and possible topics, and yet I feel that is limiting me, and resulting in mental block. So far I have changed my idea twice. Everytime I develop something credible and...
  16. M

    Huge dissapointment

    I know, it majorly sucked!!! evreything she said was stuff the majority of people knew- it wasn't value for money. I took about 3 pages of notes, but that was basically a fruitless effort to make myself BELIEVE that the lecture was constructive. as my teacher says, its good to hear it from the...
  17. M


    Hey, yeah im going 2 it, but only the ext 2 one in the afternoon. anyone going to the whole day one for ext 2 at newcastle? btw- if anyone want to chat about their project, ie- give one another pointers, advice, etc, msg me- i have msn