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  1. M


    Yeah Mandz, leave gloria alone, she's far and away more intelligent than you and it is not a show. Have a conversation with her and you'll actaully see that! She's also a very nice person, so don't attack her because you're insecure!!!!!
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    Trial Results

    I think I did the Independent trial. I got 93, and the average was somewhere in the 60's. I was really pleased, because i know my teacher is a hard marker... hence why everyone in my class didn't go too well. OH well, now just need to concentrate on the HSC exam.
  3. M

    Who has a title for their major work??

    Mine is called 'Long Goodbye' and is a postmodern story about a man diagnosed with Alzheimer's
  4. M

    Postmodernism additional material

    I didn't like that essay either, I felt the question wasn't addressed adequately... It sounded like he was trying to jam everything he read about postmodernism into the essay without actually understanding it. But I guess that's what they want :S How dumb
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    the HTA prize thing

    I heard each school is only allowed to submit 2 projects each, because the HTA cant be bothered going through a tonne of projects. Typical :P
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    Munching through the Reflection

    Using set texts is good, because it makes a close connection to the course. Look at the story that came 1st in the state in 2001... the whole idea basically came from Fowels novel (and the film Orlando set for study). Markers like that.
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    Munching through the Reflection

    I prefered writing the reflection statement over the major work, as while I did a short story, im an analytical person. I thought it was fun talking about (or making up :P) how I used poststructurlist values and drew on the deconstruction movement...... I just gave the markers what they will...
  8. M

    Postmodernism additional material

    Hey Bewinda :P What, isn't 'In Bed with Madonna' good enough 4 you, or are you just too lazy to hire it out :P Hehe, i know you hate it..... our Trial is gonna be evil....... I can feel it in me waters :P Seeya later (and ugh, modules were evil!)
  9. M

    What topics are u doing for the project?

    But inherent within each interpretation, whether tradtionalist or revisionist, are different arguments that need to be address. The thoughts put forward by James Gairdner vary remarkably from those put forward by Charles Ross, and they are both classed as being of the traditonalist school. Mine...
  10. M

    What topics are u doing for the project?

    I did Richard III too and how the portrayal of him has changed over time. I handed it in a week ago.
  11. M

    Additional material for History and Memory?

    Hey, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of and good texts for this unit. I'm doing Life is Beautiful. Thanks if you can help!
  12. M

    So upset..

    Hey! Don't drop it because of your internal mark, they don't count anyway! It's only your rank that matters, the internal mark is modified...... Don't let the bitch get to you, because believe me, it will only be you that loses in the end. You've gone this far, we're almost there. Stick with...
  13. M

    Anyone wanna swap notes on Speer?

    Hey, I just finished 2 essays on Speer... the questions from the 2001 paper. I have them typed up, so i could email them 2 u i guess. What have you got? All my other Speer things are hand written. Let me know. CYA :)
  14. M

    Short Story Swap

    Hey people, Would anyone like to swap stories for feedback? I think it's important to get as many people read your work as possible, so if anyone is interested, send me a message. Okie, cya
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    Pop Culture Notes

    Hey, We did television as a pop culture. I did my own case study on it as an assessment task which covers the whole thing... i got full marks for it, so if anyway wants to swap stuff, msg me. It covers EVERYTHING
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    PIP mark

    I did mine fairly consistently over the year... though i really started to pull my socks up in March. That's when i got really serious, and I had my Central Material all written in early June so since then I've just been editing and improving it. I'm so glad it's over...
  17. M

    short story lengths?

    Mine is 7000 words, though I plan to cut about 500 out- as they say "Less is more", and in relation to my story, this is correct. But yeah, I'm so glad to have it finshed... now only the rigorous task of editing lies ahead.....
  18. M

    Is Modern History YOUR fav subject?

    I do all three, and though I can do them all, I despise ancient!!! Modern is by far the best. History Ext used to be my fav, but that has changed... Modern is so much more interesting, and you don't have to guess everything!
  19. M

    PIP mark

    Oh, and spin spin sugar, we do EXACTLY the same subjects except I also do History Extension. I live in Oatley too, though I dont go to the campus... How funny.... Do you do Postmodernism for ext1? Anyhoo, send me a message sometime, twould be good to talk.
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    PIP mark

    I'm doing mine on how we choose role models and their importance within society, focusing on our expectations of them and how they impact on an individuals beliefs and values over time. My focus question is: How does the importance, effectiveness and choice of role models change over time...