Hey i was just wondering, 4/13 people in my class had their works nominated 4 the design tech exhibition, nd to be honest i think they will all get in.
Does anyone else's class have this many people selected?
Hey i dont understand these dot-points can someone help.....
- construct the development of non-circular transition pieces.
- justify graphics as a communication tool for telecommunications engineering.
I went out and bought the Engineering Studies : A students workbook, by John Rochford.
Does anybody else have it?
Its got some good info on corrosion and some really good exam questions.
Hey i was just wondering, how many of u have seen the 'revise HSC Mathematics in a month' book?
I have it but i have only browsed thru it so far.....anyone else got it?
Can somebody tell me the truth and why.......
So far ive heard that it IS NOT possible for a standard english student 2 achieve a Band 6 mark due to the course descriptors i.e. we dont cover the skills 2 b able to achieve it.
Also ive been hearing that there's a possibility that somebody...
Hey, if u guys could help it would b awesome cos im just a lil stressed bout this situation i find myself in.
These are my marks:
Standard English Design and Technology
Rank 5/74 Rank 8/13
Course Mark 70...
Module A: The Club
Module B: We All Fall Down
Module C: Consumerism (Bruce Dawe's Poetry)
Hey this post is 4 people who r doing any of my texts. Im wondering wot related texts everybody is doing.
4 bruce dawe's poetry i am doing the macca's ad relating it to Americanized, but i am...
Hey i sent away 4 UAI Seeker about a week ago now nd i still havent heard back.
How do they contact me? When will they contact me?
Also, if my account is over the limit when they try 2 contact me, will they keep trying? The only reason 2 why they havent given me it yet, is bcoz my account...
Hey ppl,
I ordered UAIseeker about 3 days ago....when does it come thru....nd where do i go 2 open it etc. Can anybody with it already pleez assist me.
Hey ppl....
I have a speech i have 2 do (max. 7mins) on the principles of operation of a cathode ray tube nd relate it to the operation of typical modern televisions. I also have to mention about the impact on society nd the environment.
Anyway....I am aiming 4 about 6 mins/6.5 mins....but i...
Hey im really unsure bout where I should go.....
I am planning on doing a Bachelor Science (Construction Management) and then follwoing up with some post-graduate studies 2 get me 2 where I would like 2 b at....Project Management.
Problem is tho....im not sure which uni is best! :(
I no this issue has been posted a billion times over nd it gets really annoying, but id really like some motivation in knowing im not wasting my time doing year 12.
Physics 19/20
Art 12/33
2u Maths 44/52
English St 28/81
Eng Studies 2/10
Des & Tech 6/13
The ranking for my core...
Just curious,
If u were the only person in ur class.......how would the ranking and final exam mark be modified?
U would determine the assessment and HSC mark wouldnt u?
Im just curious about this!
Hey people! Im just wondering how much everyone has done in their BOW development! I have an progress assessment worth about 20% which is due on Wednesday, but ive got enough done so far to be happy.
But the only fear i have is that i wont have enough BOW art to get good marks, i mean ive got a...
Hey im just wondering how much other people have done of their MDP's? I am just about finished my folio and I still have another 6 drawings to do!
I have a Case Study due next week aswell............
Hey just a quick question....
When u summarise ur notes, how do u refer 2 the syllabus?
I know all about summarising and executive summaries but i dont know how to tie it into the dot points of the syllabus.
Can someone help?
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Im losing motivation for my hsc.........I really like school but I dont know whether or not i'll get my UAI i want(need)!
I do 12 units which is means a bit less stress but in my last 2 assessments for maths i got around the 40% mark, so im thinking my maths is out of the equation! Also in...