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  1. blue_chameleon

    What teachers deserve?

    This is for all of the people out there that strongly believe teachers should deserve a pay rise. This is simply a thread where people post the figures of what they would want if you were teachers. Make no comparison to any other occupation, teaching is teaching. Is it $100 000+ for 1st year...
  2. blue_chameleon

    Transfering from External to Internal

    Out of curiosity, is it possible to transfer from doing an external course, to doing an internal course, providing one has achieved a high enough GPA?
  3. blue_chameleon

    Hey this is to all the people who use this site? Who do you contact to become moderator of a certain section?
  4. blue_chameleon

    UAI Cutoff's for 2004

    Ive heard recently that you can access the 2004 UAI Cutoff's for NSW Universities. Is this true? If so, where can these be accessed, from the UAC website, or from the individual universities website? Forgive my lack of knowledge, ive been travelling for over a month.
  5. blue_chameleon

    2003 Students - Perfect 100?

    Did anybody acheive this, or know of anybody that did?
  6. blue_chameleon

    Top of the State Achievers

    Hey does anybody know the top of the state achievers for all subjects? Software Design and Development : Matthew Fraser
  7. blue_chameleon

    Qld Tafe

    Awh my stereotypical views on TAFE have changed so much since I went to Brisbane and had a look at TAFE options as a backup. The campus that I was looking at had gym facilities, pool, cafe's, just like the universities up there. Enrollment for the courses is done through QTAC (queensland's...
  8. blue_chameleon


    I couldnt really find another section which was appropriate to post this thread in, but who else is going up to a Queensland University here?
  9. blue_chameleon

    Return of BOW

    Hey I was just wondering, how many people have received their BOW's back? When did u receive them? I guess a lot of people in Sydney have theirs back now, but I dont. I should have it back soon tho, so not to worry. My grandparents are buying it for $350. Not too bad I guess.
  10. blue_chameleon


    Hey this might seem a stupid question, but how do you assign a quote to a certain person. Like, how do you get the quote to say "Originally Posted by......"?
  11. blue_chameleon

    Bored Shirts.

    Hey im not sure whether this should be in this section or the Non-School section, but anyway, i applied for a shirt a while ago, and i have not received an email back from the guys. What happens, and when does it happen?
  12. blue_chameleon

    Physics Dot Point

    Hey could u guys nd girls please help me with this dot point..... *Discuss the role of the Michelson-Morley experiments in making determinations about competing theories. Wot are the competing theories????
  13. blue_chameleon

    Most units uv heard of done!

    I have a cousin in Sydney that did 18 units for his HSC a couple of years ago, and thats in the ONE year! Apparently he went 2 school from like 8 - 5 every day! Is this possible.....or am i just really gullible......i mean no offense to him, but he's the type of guy that revolves 24/7 around...
  14. blue_chameleon

    Structure of your exam dates

    Hey seeing as tho engineering studies has the exam on Friday 7th november, nd its my last exam, i have a week between Visual Arts (second last exam) and engineering. Mind you, ill need all that time 2 study bcos i have 2 revise all the mathematical problems in the course. Does anybody else...
  15. blue_chameleon

    Im Questioning BOS Organisational Skills!!!

    Hey, how was everyone's exams,........good........i hope so! So u all started at 9:20 i take it. Nice :) Well our skool didnt! We got in the exam hall in time, sat down nd they were handing out the questions papers.....when ROFL THEY RAN OUT OF PAPERS BY AROUND 40! lol....they ended up...
  16. blue_chameleon

    Star Wars Notes

    Hey I was wondering, does anybody have any Star Wars Notes for use in the 3rd Section of the 1st PAPER? Any help would b good thanx Links, Sites etc.
  17. blue_chameleon

    Past solutions 2 PAPER 1.

    Hey would anybody have, or know where 2 find, past solutions 2 PAPER 1? Ive tried BOS but I can only find the exam papers.........can anybody help please? Thanx
  18. blue_chameleon

    Requirements for 'Conditional Entry'?

    Hey as I have been browsing this forum I have seen quite a lot of members with custom status. The thing is, some of them dont have the requirements (800 or 3000 posts or woteva it is). So if they have acquired custom status through 'conditional entry' how have they done it? What r the...
  19. blue_chameleon

    Paper 1

    Hey I was just wondering that bcoz standard nd advnced do the same first section of paper 1 together nd are marked the same, does anybody feel disadvantaged? Like, do advanced students learn things that could b in that section, that standard students dont?
  20. blue_chameleon


    Hey how much sleep does everybody get during the HSC? Have ur slleping patterns changed over the past months, and during the trials? I used to go to bed around 10:30 before i was hit with all of my assessments and i find myself going to bed around 12 ish. :(