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  1. R

    Notes for the Hajj

    Hey does anybody have somme good notes on the Hajj? Mine are a little lacking in the description area.
  2. R

    Nazi Foreign policy question

    If we were asked a question on Nazi Foreign Policy could they ask us whether hitler was an opportunist or an internationalist?
  3. R

    Finding area with Ln x

    Hey guys could anyone help me with a maths question? Question: 1. Change the subject of y = ln x into x (I did this one, but its necessary for next part) (b) Hence finding the exact area bounded by the curve y = ln x, the x axis and the lines x = 2 and x = 4 (Keep in mind you cannot...
  4. R

    English Standard Marking

    Is there anyone on this forum who is able to mark English standard work?
  5. R

    Where to find Exemplar essays?

    Where can i find exemplar essays on belonging or just for english? I know there is board of studies site but i forgot the address.
  6. R

    ATAR Estimate

    Final Rankings: English Standard - 3/96 SOR 2U - 3/15 Business Studies - 6/63 Modern History - 8/23 General Mathematics - 14/86 School Ranking (2011) - 163
  7. R

    ATAR Estimate

    I have another enquiry about an atar estimate for another friend. His ranks: English Standard - 6/96 General Mathematics - 10/86 PDH/PE - 7/50 Engineering Studies - 4/13 Modern History - 9/22 SOR 1U - 13/70 School Rank (2011) - 163
  8. R

    Atar Estimate

    Hi can anyone do an atar estimate for a friend of mine? His ranks are: SoR 1U - 60/70 English Standard - 79/96 Engineering Studies - 2/13 Mathematics - 4/31 Extension 1 Mathematics - 4/11 Physics - 13/15 School Ranking (2011) - 163 Please if you haven't done mine could you also give me an...
  9. R

    Atar Estimate Please :)

    Just recieved my yearly report. SoR 1U - 13/70 English Standard - 8/96 Engineering Studies - 9/13 (i think one unit of this will be replaced with sor) Mathematics 2U - 9/31 Modern History - 9/22 Physics - 6/15 School Ranking (2011) - 163
  10. R

    The Effects of Rankings

    I'd like to see how two different scenarios would have two different outcomes depending on your schools rank These are my half-yearly ranks: SoR 1U: 14/87 English Standard: 13/99 Engineering Studies: 10/14 Mathematics: 13/33 Modern History: 11/23 Physics: 7/15 Now i believe my schools rank was...
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    2012 CSSA Modern History

    How is everyone feeling about tomorrow? I'm feeling crap with Physics then Modern History
  12. R


    I tend to get confused when it comes to commutators, What happens in: - AC Generator Slip ring commutator - AC Motor Slip ring commutator - DC Generators Split ring - DC Generator Split ring What makes a slip ring and split ring different and how are commutators different in generators...
  13. R

    Maths question help

    Could somebody please help me with (vi)?
  14. R

    Maths question problem

    Hey guys I am unsure how to do question 10 i). I used simultaneous equations but the answers did something else can anyone help?
  15. R

    Physics study

    I've been studying for Maths which is on Monday, but now i need to start physics which is tuesday. My memory is decent when it comes to physics I still remember some concepts, but there are some which I have totally forgotten or unsure of So should i study my notes or should i just do past...
  16. R

    Studies of Religion 1 exam question

    "It has been often said, very truly, that religion is the thing that makes the ordinary person feel extraordinary; it is en equally important truth that religion is the thing that makes the extraordinary person feel ordinary." - Charles Dickens Assess to what extent this quote reflects the core...
  17. R

    Reading time

    Hey guys, With paper 1 starting tomorrow for many of us, I'd just like to know what do you do in your 5 mins reading time for English? Personally I'll just take a look at the creative and essay question and do a quick plan.
  18. R

    Belonging Essay

    Could someone take a look at my belonging essay and tell me what they think? I do standard english and I'd just like to know how can i make it a more broad essay
  19. R

    Essay Help

    Could somebody please take a look at my essay for into the world? The texts are The Story of Tom Brennan and Finding Forrester Just like to know what else it needs and if it needs to be less specific?
  20. R

    Atar Estimate Please :)

    Could anyone maybe give me a rough atar estimate from my ranks? My Half-yearly report:(My ranks have improved since in some subjects but unsure by how much) - Studies of Religion 1U - 14/87 - English Standard - 13/99 - Engineering Studies - 10/14 - Mathematics - 13/33 - Modern History 11/23 -...