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  1. R

    Time Management for HSC Trials

    Hey guys, Apart from the current revision being done, how can i manage my time for my hsc trials. They start on the 30 July, and go like this: Monday 30 July: English paper 1 Tuesday 31 July: English paper 2 Thursday 2 August: Studies of Religion 1U and Engineering Studies Monday 6 August...
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    Modern History study for the holidays

    Hey guys, For Modern History, how should i go about it during the holidays before trials(week 2 of term 3), what is best and most effective way to study for modern history? The topics I've done are ww1, germany, spear and almost a quarter of conflict in europe in school
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    Architecture vs Civil Engineering

    Hey guys I'd just like to know what are you thoughts on both Architecture and Engineering, which do you prefer and maybe the pros and cons of each. Is architecture alot more difficult to engineering because it requires a higher atar? I know for sure I don't want to do engineering anymore but...
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    Essay question given day before the exam

    I have an exam for distinctively visual where I'll be shown a segment of my prescribed text and given the essay question the day before it has to be done. So how exactly can i prepare for this type of exam?
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    Distinctively Visual - The Soloist

    I've chosen the soloist as my related text, I've picked out my themes and examples from the film. However, I'm having trouble with putting it all together, is anyone else doing The Soloist as their related text?
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    Method Justification

    I've been working on an assignment in which I have to investigate how the thickness of aluminum foil will affect the amount of magnetic braking of a neodymium magnet. I've written my method and now I'm up to a section where it says to justify my method, can someone explain to me what I have...
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    How much does Half-Yearly count?

    How much does half-yearlys count towards your final atar? As in whats its ratio compared to other tasks A teacher showed us the structure but i wasn't really listening
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    Into the world - How characterisation shapes meaning?

    My English exam on into the world is in a week and in the marking criteria it states "Demonstrates a skilful understanding of how characterisation shapes meaning" Im confused as to what this is asking Can someone elaborate on what they mean by 'How characterisation shapes meaning'
  9. R

    Torque on a coil question

    I have this question which i seem to keep getting the wrong answer even though i feel like I'm doing everything right... I'm not sure whether I'm right or the answers have a typo (which isn't a surprise), can someone do it? A 5cm square vertical loop with 50 turns of wire is in a magnetic...
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    Related text for Tom Brennan

    Exams are coming up and our teacher wants to see an analysis of a related text, are there any good related texts (preferebly a film) for into the world?
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    Collapse of Democracy in Germany...

    I was given a question on what could the germans have done to prevent the collapse of democracy, but looking through all the reasons for its failure i realised thats its collapse was imminent. Reasons such as the treaty of versailles, hyper-inflasion, invasion of the ruhr, rise of hitler...
  12. R

    Making notes using dot point book

    If im going to make notes for sor, is it recommended to make the notes according the questions in the dot point book?
  13. R

    Identity in Germany?

    Yesterday i was given an assignment for history, its a 5-7 minute interview on life in germany during 1918-1935. We have to choose an identity (e.g SA member, political opponent of Nazis, a farmer, Army official, politician, teacher, ex WW1 hero, etc. Cannot choose any famous personalities) and...
  14. R

    Mass defect?

    Im doing some work on mass dilation and i was given a question with a nuclear reaction that releases energy from uranium. one of the questions asks to find the mass defect in the reaction what exactly is a mass defect? and how do i find it?
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    Length contraction

    Relativity is a mind fucker, anyway I need some help with some questions with length contraction which I'm not feeling confident in. 1. A space shuttle is 30 m long and the orbits the earth at about 30 000 kph. Calculate its apparent length as seen by an astronaut on Earth. 2. Continues from...
  16. R

    Help in a short respone question...

    My modern history teacher gave the class a question but I'm not sure how to answer it since i can't find information on the matter. The question is, "What impact did the treaty of Versailles have on democracy in Germany?"
  17. R

    Whats some good on the go gym foods?

    I know its not called 'gym foods' but what i mean are good foods. Since im still in school thers no time to prepare foods and especially during recess and lunch, so whats some good foods that are on the go and ready to be eaten at any time, eg canned tuna?
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    Deactivating Facebook?

    Simple question really. Is it good to deactivate facebook or will it make no difference?
  19. R

    Any good books or websites?

    When it comes to World War 1 and the syllabus points. Can anyone recommend any good books or websites that have good information which cover the syllabus points?
  20. R

    How much?

    When it comes to HSC engineering studies, the topics r split up into history, mechanics, materials and communication. What i would like to know is how much of each is necessary to know about? eg. 20% History, 30% Mechanics, 30% Materials, 20% Communications