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  1. R

    Handwriting or typing notes?

    It's something I and I'm sure others have wondered, is it better to type or handwrite your notes?. I've been handwriting them for years ever since year 7, but now I'm beginning to reconsider it. What are your opinions?
  2. R

    How to summarize physics?

    I've just recently began on physics study for yr 12. I want start with summarizing and using the syllabus as a guideline. My tutor recently sent me notes covering the entire space topic which cover the entire space syllabus. Now I believe doing my own notes will be better but I want to...
  3. R

    Gym during year 12

    I feel like starting a membership at a gym. My dad's okay with it seeing as fitness is a necessary thing in life and on the other hand my mum doesn't agree with it, thinking its going to affect me and I'll get addicted to it and because I'm in year 12 it'll be very bad. Now I'd like to know...
  4. R

    How to study for a source analysis exam?

    I have a source analysis exam on friday, we were given all sources to analysis but not given the questions we will be asked on the day, we are also not allowed to bring in notes on the day. I've started analysising each source breaking it down and reading up on some background info for each...
  5. R

    Trouble with Engineering Studies

    I just started year 12 Engineering course, and I'm finding it really hard to absorb the information. Mechanics are no big deal, well right now they're not. I realise that its the sophisticated terms that make it so hard to take in. Can anyone help me? I use the Excel book. Also our teacher...