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  1. J


    Internal Transfers do NOT consider UAIs whatsoever.
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    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    Tattooguy raises some good points, but what does he base them on? Generally representations of racism, vilification of certain groups and generalisations. He would sound more intelligent if he stopped resorting to this. Surprisinngly on some points I agree with tattooguy, but where does he get...
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    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    Haha, that's gotta be one of the funniest things I have read. The truth can often be humourous.
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    Sexual harassment- civil or criminal?

    Harrasment, I am not sure if there is a civil remedy. The only thing I can thing of in torts is Assault, that is threatening to make unwanted contact with someone.
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    UWS Law

    No and No. If you graduate from a law school, you need to apply to the LPAB for admission and they look at your transcript and decide whether it is sufficient for admission. Our degree (and Macquaries now) is sufficient for admission.
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    UWS Law

    It's strange, the LPAB actually leave Jurisprudence till last in their model, its the 20th Subject (our of 20 subjects) you do. Mac has it first, that's quite interesting although not impossible. You will also find that UWS best follows the LPAB study, the LPAB set the benchmark on law...
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    UWS Law

    UWS has not had any troubles with its law degree, the LPAB have accredited our LLB and MLP programmes. Macquarie LLBs however are under more scrutiny. Macquarie originally did not offer Legal Ethics as a compulsory unit, and so graduates without this will not be admitted to the bar unless they...
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    Law School in jeopardy?

    Generally it is. If you are admitted in NSW, you can practice in any state and territory I am meant to believe. I am planning on doing the English Admission test, so I can practice there. Another thing on my list, but a hard one.
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    Law School in jeopardy?

    The PLT (also known as the Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice) is not available at every uni - not even USyd has it. As I said, most people go to: -College of Law (at St Leonards) -UOW (does not have practical placement) -UTS -UWS (which has some units with College of Law) -ANU -Bond in...
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    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    I don't like how you represent Australians. lol mohammed - personally i would rather you all left - but i wouldnt make you. But i would stop all further immigration from that region. I think thats a fair comprimise. Immigration should be on merit (and not queue-jumping - that's...
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    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    It does under the relevant citizenship laws, and they override your opinion. If you wear a rag on ur head- ur not a proper australian, if you have a relativbe named abbul or mohammmed u aint a proper australian. Mate, a proper Australian as I said is one who is a citizen, but anyone who...
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    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    Have a bit of respect mate. Your 'people' from Mac fields aren't too far behind. Seeing you have little understanding on deviance, I think your comments are just stupid.
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    Law School in jeopardy?

    I don't want either to be removed. However it wont mean we are in jeopardy. THe Legal Practitioners Admission Board set what we need to complete in our LLB to gain admission, UWS is fine. Jurisprudence is an elective at UWS and is a unit looking at cultural and philosophical issues of law. It is...
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    The Department of Immigration

    How are we racist? The asylum seekers are the ones who turn up the incorrect way. The fact is, a so-called refugee isn't so when they travel half way around the world, bypass at leat 50 safe-havens and then cry when reaching our border, despite knowing the tough stance the government takes and...
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    The Department of Immigration

    Mandatory detention - I don't believe there is anything wrong with it. The fact is people have chosen to entert this country unconventionally, there should be not ifs and buts about it. If we as a nation are to be serious about preventing terrorism and knowing what's going on, then we should...
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    rumours of new system

    That left-wing garbage we call the "Western Onion" should be shut down. Waste of paper that we fund which spreads propaganda that the idea average student is one who lives below the poverty line, votes Socialist Alliance, believes that forking out $300 a year toward a union for the sake of a...
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    the vibe

    Management of UWSConnect have sent me ideas and plans for the future, nothing mentioned of the "Vibe".
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    Has Anyone Started Studying?

    I have spent a lot of time keeping up which will pay off when studying. However I have two assignments I need to finish within the next week (and they ain't easy) Anyone doing the Crime Prevention Plan essay for Crime Prevention and Community Safety?
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    It isn't fundamentally different from what you are doing now and you can do the units from your degree.
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    It's very good and I enjoy it and certainly worth it. Job prospects are massive, including political, academics, research, police, government investigation and intelligence agencies (e.g. Federal Police, Customs) and the like.