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  1. J


    GPA is the total.
  2. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    Yeah we heard that again and again. Although it's wrong, it just justifies your hatred. Just like not all whites are in the kkk. but pretty much everyone in the kkk is white ------- get it. Actually no, take a look into the KKK's policies. They actually have African-American members...
  3. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    Firstly for a 'wog boy' who speaks 2 languages, i can speak the English language better than you can smarty. Furthermore, my father wears the Australian National Medel on his chest and bares the crown on each shoulder of his uniform. This is our country as much as it is yours. So don't go...
  4. J

    Bag snatch in Lakemba

    Well your words establish something different. My arugment is, they are guests here, i have never fucking asked anyone from a second class race to enter my country. Why should australia and alll decent australians be disadvantaged because our government is full of gutless cunts...
  5. J


    No statute exists, but more often than not gangs are there to offend or the consequences of their actions lead to offending. Large group gatherings are also illegal if they loiter.
  6. J


    Gangs do exist. the main problem is the hype of gangs and our fears of them that add to the negative label.
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    Introduction to Business Law Forum - Exam, Content and Assignment Discussion

    Not bad at all. Tell her to join our forum. The more people, the more productive it can be.
  8. J

    the vibe

    Indeed they do.
  9. J

    Introduction to Business Law Forum - Exam, Content and Assignment Discussion

    Over the past semester I have had the pleasure of mentoring students doing the unit Introduction to Business Law. Unfortunantely mentoring for me ended today however I do note that many students still have questions. I would like to remind those students that they are free to visit the site...
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    the vibe

    They wonder why UWS cops some negative attention, one only needs to look at publication such as the Western Onion which show no faith in the university or the government. I have never come accross a more whinging bunch in my entire life (except the Greens and the Socialists).
  11. J

    the vibe

    The Western Onion must gets its name from the effect that cutting an onion gives one - you simply weep at the left garbage thrown in there (and they are wondering why VSU is being implemented). The Vibe will be more interactive and into student life. I welcome the move and hope it has some...
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    copying paragraphs

    Yes. You need to know however that anything more than 60 words usually requires the paragraph to be indented (on both sides). It is also a good idea to reduce the font to 10point.
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    the vibe

    From the minutes of the UWSConnect meeting I have been told that the "Vibe" is a new magazine/newsletter to be released by UWSConnect. It is comming soon.
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    Favourite High Court Justice

    The problem with not far-fetched or fanciful being used to define reasonable foreseeability is that reasonable foreseeability is a test at all three elements of negligence, hence its no longer a real challenge. You would be happy to know (I know MoonlightSonata would - although you are not a...
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    llb with "honours"

    University of New England does.
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    hmmm i was wondering this thing on torts

    Perhaps a little too late, nonetheless here we go. The courts do not necessary recognise or protect privacy under torts law. ABC v Lenah Meats, the court had to consider such a proposition which it where it was leaning toward perhaps one day evolving to a tort of privacy, however generally...
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    llb with "honours"

    At UWS, it's maintaining a high grade point average, I think its a D average.
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    Favourite High Court Justice

    Interestin you would include Mason CJ as an easy to understand judge, usually his policy judgements have at times changed the face of law. He could take credit for the expansion of Modern Negligence from refining foreseeability to "not far fetched of fanciful". Nonetheless, I agree he was a good...
  19. J

    Favourite High Court Justice

    I have to say our current bench has some great judges, each with their own way of things. On one hand you have Gleeson CJ, a judge of legalism and to the point, and on the other hand you have Kirby J, who generally provides an alternative to many of the views. Some of my favourate judges over...