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  1. F

    Books to sell and books to buy

    *looks at flyin' signature* =p
  2. F

    Soccer Thread : 2004-05

    It's not just Robben, they're also missing Drogba. They did create alot, which was good anyway. They should've played Cole up front tho - not that Czech guy or Kezman. Anyway for all those Arsenal and Man Utd supporters, that was the "blip". No more. =p Chelsea all the way :D
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    Choosing Units - Need Help 1. Look in the 2005 column and see what's applicable to you, ie. your degree program. 2. Follow the program (ie. the units you're meant to do) and put together a timetable (if you don't have the booklet, you can check the website...
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    i would appreciate it, if they'd actually show some math237 tutes so that i could enrol in one of them.
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    Commerce law with a major in accounting

    That looks scary, especially ACCG100 and LAW114. Good luck!
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    why aren't any of my tutes up and running? =(
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    Summer School

    in theory that is true. but in summer school, you have less time (and often no tutorials) so the lecturers expect less depth in knowledge... so its sort of easier
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    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    I wouldn't know unfortunately.
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    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    they're more effective than bricks in putting people out of consciousness ;)
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    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    ive been forced to keep my 115 textbook cos they changed the texts (*shakes fist at comp115 lecturer for 2004* =p)
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    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    They don't go by year as such, rather edition. I think they'd be up to 5th or 6th edition.
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    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    all of them ;) i havent come across a textbook ive wanted to keep yet although accg100/101 came close purely because my book was in such good condition and i could say i was meant to know what was inside.
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    Summer School

    search the macquarie forum here for some past questions - i posted at least a few. if anything, summer school should (is spose to) be easier.
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    who is doing what??

    15cp in three days (and no evening classes)
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    Textlist Is Up ^_^

    this is what ive learnt in two years of buying and selling textbooks - textbooks arent that expensive when you sell them, and more often than not they arent worth keeping ps - econ110 for sale :D
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    check list

    it depends whether there are streams (options) for when you attend lectures/tutes... if there are usually people go for later ones so they dont have to wake up real early.
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    check list

    most people prefer afternoon starts and avoid early morning starts if possible... so 10 starts shouldn't be hard to get.
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    yet another question

    Standardised Numerical Grade SNGs work on a similar concepts to HSC Bands of Achievement.
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    Maths Bridging Course or MATH123

    If don't understand a few things from calculus, you will make life very difficult for yourself. If you haven't met the prereqs they might kick you out after you need the pay the unit fee, so wouldn't risk it.
  20. F

    how much maths is involved in actuarial studies?

    some of the stuff ive done in math so far is harder than anything ive come across in actuarial (except they never seem to test that stuff) :D