I know that Papers 1 & 2 are set on back-to-back days in both the Trials and external HSC for Advanced English. How did you guys memorise 4 essays + 1 creative (and possible more) at once?
Are the HSC and preliminary syllabuses changing in 2015 for the national curriculum, or is this incorrect? I'm wondering whether I should sell my textbooks.
So this is my understanding of the experiment: using a polonium source, he bombarded alpha particles into beryllium, which knocked off the unknown particles (neutrons), which knocked off protons from a paraffin block which could be detected. Then he used the laws of conservation of momentum and...
I've been searching for 3U & 4U Maths Trial papers, but all the ones I can find are old (earlier than 2010). Does anyone have any recent maths trial papers they could upload (preferably 2012/2013, due to the new format)? Thanks.
What's an effective method of drawing links between two texts? I often find myself making superficial links using words such 'similarly' or 'in contrast'.
I'm struggling to understand this Module. I'm doing Julius Caesar. Are we meant to talk about why the composer (Shakespeare) presents conflicting perspectives, or why characters (e.g. Brutus, Antony, Cassius) have different perspectives on an event/personality/situation?
Thanks in advance :)
I was wondering how other people used their reading time during exams. I know most people use it read questions carefully, and even start doing some multiple choice, but I never really use it. I quickly skim the paper in like 1 minute, and then try to prepare/relax myself in the next 4 minutes...
The syllabus dot-point says: "Assess the evidence which indicates increases in atmospheric concentration of oxides of sulfur and nitrogen".
For the verb 'assess', I know you have to include a judgment at the end, but do you have to include points FOR and AGAINST, or only points for the side...
For the syllabus dot-point from Production of Materials: "Process information from secondary sources to describe recent discoveries of elements", how 'recent' should the elements be?