Democracy is a lie, all poloticians are curropt, in america gun/ drug lobbiest hold all the power, in Australia labor gillard is controlled by the faceless men ( unions ) , not to mention so many other countries around the world .
Agree or disagree ? That is the question ... Weather it is...
American powers aiming to destabilize Syrian government have overlooked the horrendous war crimes of rebels, which breach human rights. Whilst the UN is running around trying to take down the Syrian govt , they've overlooked the horrendous nature of the rebels . Its sad that news is focused on...
So has the carbon tax affected you or your family?.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this is the process right ?
1. Umat results come out in sep
2. With these results + predicted atar , we apply through. The med schools .
3. If we meet expectations we get invited to interview
4. We get interviewed and scored .
5. Afars come out , we apply from uac...
So with more leadership speculation , and ministers jumping to rudds camp , I though we should see how the BOS labor community felt about this issue.
So are you for Kevin , Julia , or have you lost faith in The labor govt altogether .
Discuss .
just wanted to say, good luck for tomorrow, and do BOS proud by being in the highest percentiles !!
( from me , and i hope the rest of the bos community)
ill start:
we did our essays in class on the last day of school, after the holidays ended ( tues) out teacher said we would get the mark on Wednesday, Wednesday she either forgot or postponed it and when asked said " come to me on Thursday". Today my friend and me walk in to the staff room an...
Umm any help and i will be greatfull!!!
( also can i get full working out cuz im one of those kids who needs it =-= sorry)
1.The curve y=ax^3+bx passes through the point (1,7). The tangent at this point is parallel to the line y=2x-6
Find the values of a and b
2.Show that y= -sqr(36-x^2)...
So holidays are ending today and tomorow ( cristian vs public) , and I though idjust make this post .
So what studies have you done over this holidays ?
Ill start...
getting ready for English comparative study Emma/clueless ( a waste cuz the teacher stupidly changed her mind) : 2 days ...
so my bro wants to do buis, and i told him to do 2u to get a better atar or dont do gen (cuz its not worth it), and he said gneral maths is a prereq for buis corses.
i know it may be for eco courses but others i doupted it.
does anyone know