So anyway, with prelim coming up I though I would cheack up on how far past me my cohort in their subjects. So I guess I'll start
Biology : almost done patterns in nature
legal: law reform
english : starting to read oothelo
ancient :starting troy
Maths3u only 7 subjects into the 2 unit book (...
I'm Having problems with AOS Journeys exam paper 1 (the one both adv and standard do )
i cant seem to grasp the concept, my half yearly's are coming up, I need some tips, or help XDD please anyone!!
Heyyy i was woundering if there was anyone willing to read my english essay on journeys, Dante's inferno , and kubla khan, and Give me a mark, ... For free XDD
thanks if anyone reads this
is this site worth it ?? it looks good but i heard med entry is the way to go, Although i just want the papers... and this seems pretty cheap,
anyone know?