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  1. M

    highest scaling option ?

    so does anyone know which option is the highest scaling ? i heard its genetics
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    functions and relations HELP!!!

    1. 2. umm not quite understanding these question ny help ? ( if it could be written and upload that would be greatly appreciated cuz im not that good at understanding math written here =-=)
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    Unprecidented resource back log?

    i know there have been similar post recently but i was just wondering ( this is a question to the mods or ppl who have the answer) WHAT exactly is the reason for the 3 year backlog of resources ?( ik u guys have exams and stuff, and i know going through resources takes a LOOONGGGGG time but...
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    who is Ahmad Shah Idil?

    his notes go around alot, is he like a state ranker or something ??
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    Phd in medicine?

    so i always woundered can you actually get a phd in mbbs? or does that not work like that ?
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    Big problem!!!

    Ok so this is how it is. Last day of school: our teacher notified the class that we would be doing Emma/clueless for our last part of prelim. being the responsible student i am i borrowed emma to get ready for it over the holiday. the teacher knew about this ( i told her that i was gonna be...
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    Emma/clueless?essay question.

    Hey i was just woundering if anyone could post the type of essay question we will get when doing an essay for this module. its the holiday and im already close to finishing emma i just wanna get straight into writing the essay bfor my class starts it. or at least get a undwerstanding which will...
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    Whats the problem with our privacy laws?

    Is it just that their to outdated , or is there certain things !! Privacy act 1988 ammendments 2000
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    any idea's for easy law reform topic?

    so i have an assignment for law reform, anyone know anything quick and easy i can use ( a topic which has reformed in the recent year)
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    Prelim excursion, does everyone do homebush bay?

    so im gonna do this excursion soon and i was woundering if anyone knew what they test you on . my teach said its 50%:50 questions on the day and a report anyone know what i should know for the excursion? thanks very much ^^
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    Special provisions, illegible hand writing. PLEASE HELP URGENT!.

    so i had my half yearlys recently. I did well and topped every subject, but every teacher i have has complained about my handwriting. Ive had horrible handwriting since i was young, and it has gotten better lately, that is in class. once i get into a test room my whole body shakes sometimes...
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    Heinman book .

    I haz da Heineken 2000 book . It seems like it follows the hsc Sylb ( topics match ) but isnt the change of sylbus from 2000+ happened yet?. And yea idk if anyone knows if it's ok just tell me xD
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    Study journal.

    Sooo i saw some people do this on another fourm ( and this one (( ya mama or something) and i though i might benifit from it ^^ ill put my long term goals and daily goals here everyday and ill keep you informed on how well i did... soo. Long term goal: Get first internally ( and hopefully...
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    Help please!! Past hospitality students.

    Soo ive really stuffed up now... I do 12 units and one of them is hospitality.. When I chose It I though " oh I'll just do work exp in holidays and it'll be an easy test, and a saftey net in case I do bad in another subjects" so I obviously I've been studying hard all other subjects and been...
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    Reading response for journeys.

    Hey guys!! look im having trouble with reading response in relation to journeys, Anyone have any tips?
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    Best tutor in bankstown/ city of cantubery area?*

    Best tutor in cantubery area? For maths and english
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    anyone know what this is ?

    archaeological and written sources; how evidence is lost, preserved and rediscovered • historiographical issues raised by archaeological and written sources • the nature of evidence provided by written and archaeological sources, complementary and contradictory tHESE are some of sylb dot...
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    2007 journeys paper, reading response section.

    These are my answers for 2007 reading response section, if i could get any response, marks id be given , and if possible high range answers. A) what has T.J whilson achieved through his travels?. J.t...
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    3u maths 2 unit or general ..

    Hey, I'm in prelim ATM , doing 13 units, I have 3 unit math ATM, but I'm finding it hard too concentrate on it , I've only done 2 tests do far ( on 2 unit subs ) and scored 89 and 72 . Idk I I should stay in 3 unit and see how I go ( at least for this year) then I ccould dropp to 2 unit, however...
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    10 Units Vs 12

    Hey guys, im in prelim (obviously) and i think i remember seeing a post like this but i cant find it ... anyway... how many units are you guys doin? what did you drop ? and for what reason?? if you kept 12 -13 units how well did you get in your atar, or so far ( if your still in yr 12) just...