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  1. M

    P/H. do i need to know latin words!!

    So going through the P/H stuff there are a tun of latin words of things. do i need to learn them all ??
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    The effect of documentary style movies.

    Title says it !!?
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    Deactivating facebook for the hsc.

    So i deactivated facebook today... Not exactly for the hsc ( because i needed to get some stuff out of my mind) but i guess its better for me cuz i would check Facebook every 5 minutes ( i obsess about things LIKE OCD), even though i had hardly any freinds =-=. Is anyone else deactivating...
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    What is the lowest i can get in the umat if i get a high atar?

    Hey guys so next year i am going to sit the umat and so my hope is that i can get as high as possible for that. But i also know that i've done pretty crap on most practice papers so far. I'm hoping that after intensive practice and medentry i can maybe do well in the umat . but just incase...
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    Schools preventing students to drop?

    My freind goes 2 a school were they are not allowing them to drop any subject until next year. the reason is something on the lines of " in past years people just bludged blablaablabla" are schools allowed to do this? i always though that once you got into yr 12 you had the right to drop a...
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    English belonging exams.

    Hmm im trying 2 compile as many english exams as i can for study ( mostly s1 but questions will be good for essay study ) so... yea lets all add belonging exams here :D
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    Belonging short story idea's.

    Post apocaliptic world, a narrative about how a group of survivors gain/ do not gain a sense of belonging to the new place which they must take as their home, done through the different perspectives of the group members .
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    The devistating effect of the carbon tax.

    Just got a thing in the mail. The carbon tax with a big X on it saying "council rates up , cantubery will have to collect $204,103 in extra council rates next year " Then the rest of it saying something about bills and local community not being able 2 Pay their bills . After reading I was...
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    URGENT: transformations essay.

    Hi, can someone look at my transformations essay. The reason is that i have written it all on my own ( without teacher resources) cuz i have been work exp this whooole week and no reply from teacher when i email. Pl|Z someone look at it and tell me if its right or wrong... its a generic essay no...
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    Tony abbot beat by the truth. This is sad. at least most polies have more things 2 say, all i hear from abbot is repeated statements, its like he is being scripted by a idiot =-=. Edit: also it looks like he's getting balder by the day.
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    What is a thesis?

    Ok, so i know this sounds pretttty stupid ( cuz im in yr 11 and adv =-=) but what exactly is a thesis?? ive never actually been explicitly taught what a thesis is, although im probably already writing it in my essays, i just haven't been told what im doing is a thesis... idk... ive tried...
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    Aussie banks worth more than Europe's combined These are the stats.... Population Banking sector worth Australia 22,703,540 433 B Eurozone 332,839,084 432 B I find this pretty amazing, i mean...
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    I'll recreate Howard's golden age, says Tony Abbott Well this is just sad... Discuss
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    implications of a changed test format...

    so what will the change mean? from 120->100 is a big change in terms of time taken for the test... also the 5 multi will be new. Discuss
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    What are the implications of a rising dollar??

    Don't do eco , just curious about the economy... What is good/bad about it? do you think its good/bad? discuss
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    Should I get an English tutor ?

    Parent is trying to make me do tutoring. I'm against it cuz I don't think I need it Bcuz my class is gettig smaller and I have a good/ commited eng teacher , but I thought I'd get some pros and cons from the ppl her on via . So yea pros cons, did u do tutorin for eng and did it help you or not...
  17. M

    Blade runner & as you like it for belonging...

    So i was told this is what were doing for belonging next term, although i cant find any resources for bladerunner as belonging and only 1 essay for as you like it .. why is this? and can anyone direct me some resources please XD
  18. M

    Teachers are a useless defence against bullying... The example is Japanese but it is most deff relevant and has deffff occurred in Australia. The fact is teachers are either not able to do anything , have impractical solutions ( u say sorry to him and it's all over, but it's not ) , or...
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    Story idea:

    So just tell me which one sounds better or cliche... A boy goes on holidays to his home country, when he returns he obsessively compares everything to his country ( so all he can think about I.e: "he sky was always clear in X") a boy usually hangs out with Asians goes into high school with the...