I have a classroom in Neutral Bay, 5 minutes from the city.
I'm looking for Maths tutors to tutor for 1-4 kids between years 7-10. I will prepare all your resources, I'll be in contact with parents, all you have to do is turn up and teach!
Most important for me is enthusiasm and teaching...
I have a classroom in Neutral Bay, 5 minutes from the city.
I'm looking for Maths tutors to tutor for 1-4 kids between years 7-10. I will prepare all your resources, I'll be in contact with parents, all you have to do is teach!
Most important for me is enthusiasm and teaching ability, but...
Hey BoS. I run a tutoring business, and am looking for tutors to run classes starting from the Term 4 this year (When the new year 12 begins).
What I am most interested in is charisma, energy and confidence. I want tutors who are involved in extra-curricular activities and involved in the...
Hi all,
I have been coaching small classes for a long time unofficially and I am looking to take the next step for my business.
Unfortunately I am inexperienced with website design, and am looking for someone who can help actualise the template and ideas I have.
I am willing to employ based...
English Advanced
Paper 1:
Comprehension: 15/15
Creative Writing: 14.5/15
Essay: 14/15
Total: 43.5/45
very pleased with this
Paper 2:
Module A: 17.5/20
Module B: 15.5/20
Module C: 16.5/20
Total: 49.5/60
pity I let myself down on paper 2
Raw Mark: 93/105
Raw Weighted Mark: 94/100
Exam Mark...
I was expecting 93+ for HSC mathematics, and ended up with 86 (externally, my internal weirdly enough was 93).
I was confused and dissapointed, so I ordered the results check and the raw mark check. The results check said everything was fine but the raw marks had interesting news.
For over 20...
I want to do commerce(liberal) at USYD, my ATAR was 98.35. The cut off seems to be going down?
<tbody style="border-top-width: 1px; border-top-style: solid; border-top-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); ">
B Com (Liberal Stds)
B Com (Liberal Stds)...
This exam was retarded. I'm all for making it hard for prepared responses, but forcing you into first person? That alienates people based on writing style rather than ability.
Also, the essay question was convoluted and unclear. Again I understand that they don't want prepared responses and...
My teacher told us that they could ask us to do the introduction of a narrative, and then ask us to do a reflection on it. Is this like comprehension from paper 1? do you just find techniques in your own work and show how they demonstrate your genre?
For me it was:
Happiness @ module A --> panick as I saw all the weird extracts and flicked through to final question --> relief as I was it Suu Kyi and not Dean or a more random one --> Panick that it was the ending statements and I didn't know much about them --> acceptance about module B -->...
For English, Paper 1 and Paper 2 respectively.
For paper 1:
I was going to read two of the comprehension texts for 5mins to get a gist, then spend the next 5 planning my essay. Then after the essay I would do the comprehension and then move onto the creative last
For paper 2:
I was...
I wanna do a song for my back up belonging related, and for my 2nd conflicting perspectives related.
Would anyone avoid it? I need to get 95+ in english so I don't wanna risk it if people have specific reasons on why it shouldnt be done.
Have provided a bit of context, please help me make a decision
Pros of Business:
-Where the money is at
-father is very well known and successful in business world (could give me a large advantage)
-much less school (at the moment: 4 years in commerce liberal studies @ USYD or 3 years in...
So I get a year 11 student to write for me and 30 mins extra writing time to compensate for the dictation process.
I don't know if I want to do this... It seems like ill get disadvantaged. I could take the tests myself, but my handwriting is shocking and I do have an injured arm. Either way...