any of ur peers do any funny freak outs for any of the exams?
a couple kids looked distressed after the english paper 2 exam
like they were gonna cry
mod b and all
(not funny but i have nothing else)
Out of all my subjects
English was easily my favourite
most of my in-class memories come from that class
our teacher was very thorough but knew when to have a good joke and we had some of the funniest cunts in our class
expecting heaps of hate mail but i serz enjoyed that subject the...
So basically to sum up some of the threads below:
1. How much did you write?
Shouldn't be an issue as long as youve written about 700 words min (roughly 6 pages depending on size)
Kid in my grade wrote close to 40 pages
I wrote about 20
Beat him. Quality kicks into play when you get to the 700...
They have made an exam for everything they despise
Paper 1: Catered to Pre-planned responses whilst everyone else who played the game the way they wanted it done got fucked over
Paper 2: (easy for me) but ridiculously hard for people doing plays/novels
One of the most unfair papers ever...
Thoughts and opinions?
I think the notification system was a much needed addition.
I don't use the cloud or any of that other stuff so that was the only difference for me
Did anyones school also make them believe that the trials are harder than the hsc?
If so, how true would this be? >.>
(side note: just a bit of an appreciation side note for aerath for devoting some time to helping us lost hsc students! :) )
the head marker at our school, although he couldnt explicitly say, urged us to practice the 2009 HSC essay questions
lets bring the state average up ppl
alright this is bullshit
what if this happens (which is most likely to occur)
Highest external: 97
2nd highest: 88 - 90
are they seriously going to average those out for the internals? thats absolutely ridiculous
would the highest be considered an outlier?
sup guys
if im say.. 3rd place
but behind 1st by only 2 marks
and the top EXTERNAL mark at our school is say .. 97 and the bottom mark 35
what would my internal be looking at?
hey guys
i just wanted to know if there is still potential for me to achieve a 99 ATAR if i kill the hsc with these ranks:
General Math: 9/a lot (more than 80?)
school rank:217 (ithink :S)
ALSOO in order to...
okay well here is my concern..
Not every school has to do the trials at the same time..
so whats stopping any cheating student from talking to friends from schools who have already done the trial and getting inside info?
i have strong suspicions that kids in my grade have done that...