section to (i done polymers) we jus had to draw n label equipment used and for the first section we jus had to fill in 1 table that was the easiest question in the paper...
i kinda thought they would of had more diagrams to draw or mayb some graph or something...quite simple test..
todays exam serz didnt feel like a 3hr exam...i finished 1 n 35 mins into the exam...i could've serz finished within an hour if i didnt stop every 2mins to stare out the window...
lmfao...i neva bother buyin a book for bus. services...we do shit all in that class...neva studied but seem to always get good marks...+ our teachers a dope..:D
..hopefully the test is easy
rememba the good ol' times in senior science
- "you craazi"
- "dont call him motch"
- "alright alex, come outside wit me"
- "kershiia!!"
- "hey hey .. wats this?"
- doont bang on ur table"
i bought a new calculator n couldnt find the SD button on it durin the exam :( i left 1 question out but finished everythin else wit 20mins to spare...i rekon i did pretty good too..:D
phill collins songs are pretty good but i prefer his songs re-made or mixed into other songs by artist wit more of a hip hop culture (no offence to anyone)...great lyrics
tupac ft. phill collins - in the air tonight
Brandy & Ray J - Another day in paradise
dmx ft. phill collins - i can feel it
Marvin Gaye - Sexual healing
Marvin Gaye- mercy me
Babyface ft LL Cool J - This is for the lover in you
Boyz II Men - Four Seasons of Loneliness
Boyz II Men - End of the road
Boyz II Men - I'll make love to you
Boyz II Men - On bended knew
Lauren Hill - Cant Take My Eyes off You
if the game n btnh hav a a concert i'll go for sure...btnh r basically entrepreneurs *think tats how u spell it* for bringin there style of gangsta rap into the music industry along with others such as nwa, dre, eazy-e etc...
it will b a sell out concert though i wish they had a Kanye West...
currently selling 2 brand new fones unused, unopen from the box with original seals still coverin the box...
- black motorola v3 + extras
- Nokia 8800
pm if interested..(onli in Syd. area)
Definition for Playa hater....
Most simply, a playa hater is someone who openly criticizes, purposefully attempts to sabotage, or who indulges in any number of other activities/behaviors aimed at someone they consider a playa, or even at playas in general.
The derogatory aspect to the term...