Ben Smith is as boring as hell to listen to... his lectures for Macro1 suck.... you can just read the textbook anyway he just goes over the same stuff.
Lol Centrelink wont be lenient but you can be dodgy.... just get a neigbour/friend whatever to say you've done 3 days work for them or something and if you need to show Centrelink proof beforehand get some money out, give it to whoever it is you 'worked' for and get them to put it back in your...
I can't wait for Season 2007!!! Come on you mighty Red & White Swans!
Last year was such a great year with such a terrible ending... we should of have gone back to back but things weren't meant to be. But im so pysched up for the new season.... can't wait to see footy again on the 24th of feb...
Ill be voting Independent for the house as our local member absolutely rocks and has done a fantastic job- he has done 10000X more for our electorate then any of the parties ever have or will do.
In the senate, Ill be voting ALP not because I think they are better then the Libs (all crooks in...
Super international cricket.... best game ever and you could run 2 by blocking the ball in front of you :) and Jurassic Park- most frustrating game ever I dont think i ever finished it cause I never did everything in order!
They were the days though!
Just have to do the best you can mate... hopefully one of the clash subjects will record lectures and make them available either through Webct or through the Library. Best way to deal with a clash as I found last year when I had one was to make sure that you keep up with the work and if they...
Lie to protect them? Yes
Lie to help them for their own gain? Yes
Lie to an authorative figure? Yes
Would you Lie for them in court (say if there was no chance of you being caught out) if they were innocent? Yes
Lie for them in court (again, no chance of being found out) if you knew they...
I dont know which idiot at Centrelink told you that but its rubbish. The independent rate is Youth Allowance... eg there are two types Youth allowance for those that are dependent and Youth Allowance for those that are independent. If you cant get one you aint going to get the other! I wish you...
1st things 1st UAI of 95-97 is very good. Will get you into most courses available at most universities. I saw you are looking at doing a Finance/Commerce sort of course then that will get you in at most big unis.... definetly to ANU where I go and UQ and Probably go pretty close at UNSW and...
f**k they piss me off..... what bugs me is not so much them ringing up but when they ring up. They always manage to ring at dinner time when you are busy doing other things. I usually just either use an expletive linked with off and hang up.
the system is rubbish...... it fails to support those that really need the help to go to uni while supporting many people (through no fault of their own) that in no way need the same level of support. The means testing is all nice and well, but when it excludes those that really need the help...
do both im doing Eco/Commerce majoring in Finance leaves a fair bit of scope while giving a good eco background. Finance though I expect would be best for doing investment banking in the future but someone else probably has a far better answer then I do to the question!
Both.... Im going to do 1 semester maybe 2 in the UK and the rest in Oz. both have their pros and cons but its good to see the world, but Oz does have lots of advantages that the UK doesnt have. And the weather is so so so much better all year round almost!
Definetly would like to see some better support for students..... centrelink system is a joke. It should stay means tested but at a fair level as well with everything properly taken into account. For I can't get a single scrap of money from Centrelink, even though my Dad is a cleaner and my mum...
They are developed as such to teach the basics.... even if you didnt do that well at school with Chem if you have done it then you dont really need to do the bridging course as such. Unless of course you are really worried about your skills in it, but its more designed for those that have zero...
I think that Defensive Driver courses really should be implemented.... as said before it doesnt stop drivers having accidents but it certainly does open your eyes esp when they stick you on the skidpan to just how easily things can go wrong. Its by no means a be all and end all to fix the...