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  1. Sickle

    how many pages did u write

    Not enough
  2. Sickle

    When did you leave?

    There was still an hour to go.... I hardly wrote anything... my bad...
  3. Sickle

    people who just want to say something to anyone

    I think all my ancient notes sum up to about 10 of those giant, centuries old trees.... poor trees, I'm sorry for wasting you... Let me free your spirits!!!!... time to do some burning! Burn baby burn! Doo doo do do doo!!! *does a skitzo jig*
  4. Sickle

    wow like not many people care about ancient history

    I could hardly be stuffed reading over all the shit that I managed to collect over the year.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much...
  5. Sickle

    The Minoans

    Hmmm I'm not that confident about the marks I'm going to get, but I could have done so much more worse! But I think I did pretty well in the Minoans part.
  6. Sickle

    HSC paper practically identical to Catholic Trial

    Talk about lucky!
  7. Sickle

    How do you think you went?

    First half good.... second half... v. bad... :(
  8. Sickle

    Amount of Content...

    The BoS are also changing the amount of core studies they have to do.... instead of doing 4 they're only doing 3.
  9. Sickle

    Amount of Content...

    When you look at it that way, yes, but with the amount of work and revision they have will decrese by one core study...
  10. Sickle

    Amount of Content...

    Is it just me or is the amount of material we have to know absolutley ridiculous?? I have 4 folders jampacked with notes! It's insane! There's no way in hell I'm going to remember all the important stuff in 4 days. :mad: At least the lucky bastards next year will have one less topic to study...
  11. Sickle

    The songs we get stuck in our heads

    I had the teenage mutant ninja turles theme song stuck in my head yesterday...
  12. Sickle

    When is you last exam!!

    Last exam = 11th November, Society and Culture at 4 pm.
  13. Sickle

    scaling and the bands

    I may just scrape into a band 6, but who knows!
  14. Sickle

    No More Maths For Me! Yay

    Lmfao. You text book, I've seen that one before and it is shit! Anyway I like your decorative style and flair that you have created by expressing your anger and frustration towards this course. :D
  15. Sickle

    This exam was a JOKE!

    It was allot easier than I had anticipated, but they are porbably going to mark very stictly... The easiness is most likely due to the fact that last years paper was considered hard...
  16. Sickle

    Attention to Atheists!!!

    I didn't really choose to be an athiest. My own belief's I guess you could say, brought me to realise I don't believe that there is a God, or that there's anything out there. I see religion as hypocrisy. And all it seems to want, to me, is a group of followers so that they have a form of...
  17. Sickle

    Going To Fail!!

    Then you should say that they're wasting their time doing the "General Maths HSC course" and not the "HSC" in general, because it means something completeley different. Maybe people are focusing more on other subjects? Don't tell people that they're wasting their time because they say...
  18. Sickle

    Going To Fail!!

    Why should they give up on school just because of one subject? That's just stupid. I'm just passing maths but when it comes to the actual exam (basing my pressumptions on the trial) I'm not going to go so well, thus the word fail is brought in, but I'm still sticking to it and trying my best...
  19. Sickle

    My boyfriend thinks I'm fat

    Tell him you're not asian and to stfu
  20. Sickle

    Going To Fail!!

    don't worry, I suck at maths... including general maths, so I'm gonna fail as well. And I study for it all the time... I just don't get it.