Was wondering if anyone has more knowledge about which one of these courses is better and more relevant to someone who's doing Applied Finance/Law. Which of these actually teaches you how to use computer programs, spreadsheets n databases? I dont really want to learn about algorithms or writing...
hey does anyone know if these two dot-points need to be learnt and what are the chances of them asking a question on the two
* key democractic developments: influence of thetes, ostracism, citizenship law
* nature, composition and acitivities of the Peloponnesian League
it seems this...
i'm finding his contribution really obscure....like wat the heck wat the key thing he discovered? All texts say that he used Volta's pile to electrolyse water, and decomposed molten salts, soemthng like that. But what does that show about electron transfer movements? What was the discovery? And...
Does anyone know what some of the historians have said about the Dioscuri? it's under myths and legends.......they don't seem to have been very Spartan, otehr than having grown up in Sparta...otherwise mostly worshipped by the Romans
i have about one A4 sized journal, and i hope i'll fill it up...maybe i'll have a A4 48 pg exericse book to paste draft essays etc in...would that be enough....i saw some people from last yrs and they were hell fat, like pgs n pgs n pgs of info.some even had fat overflowing binder folders...hmmm...
hey does anyone know where to get sample hsc answers? I'm having trouble with answering section I, dont know exactly how to approach the sources given and which historians to pick that are appropriate....worst of all, sometimes i dun even get what the source is on about
so if u know of any...
since this is the last year of doing journeys, all the texts that can be used for imaginative journeys have just about been used
so my question is, being the last year, if a large number of people chose related texts like "alice in wonderland" and "where the wild things are", woudl that affect...
so what exactly does postmodernism mean? not interms of art or philosophy or wtv, jsut in the context of history! someone give me a proper definition and what postmodernist historians views are...plz i'm really confused
I'm really confused between the normal galvanic cell and the electrolytic cell, especially differentiating between the cathod and anode in the elctrolytic, r they switched or what?
with the log books, do we need to provide analysis of each source we use in terms of its reliability etc? i was thinking wouldn't that be really A LOT of wrok each we went about doing that to each one?
so far i have only pasted in info i got off the net, read thru and highlighted relevant...
Hey I am looking for this Leunig cartoon, dunno wat the title is, but it shows 7 people lying in the gutter, but 3 of them are staring at "stars" of Nicole, Kylie and Russell. I need this as a related text for imaginative journeys.
If you have this cartoon, it'd be greatly appreciated if u...
I find it really difficult, especially when it comes to finding related material. Meh just about every text u find that can possibly be linked to whichever journey ur doing has already been used by the years b4, there's nothing new to write about them. I got given this whole booklet of past...
I'm looking at examing the methologies used by the author in her portrayal of Mao and how her conclusions r influenced by her context etc. i've been talking to my teacher, examninign Mao is really broad, so i should pick on an aspect of Mao to focus on in relation to Chang's book.
My problem...