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  1. H

    Band 6

    I would guess 90+
  2. H


    I wonder if they are going to try and be creative this year... All the generic questions have been asked already.
  3. H

    how to study??

    The Updated Economics book, IMO, is probably the best economics textbook around.
  4. H

    Does anyone have good Roman society 1st C AD notes, with quotes?

    You don't really need to read all those historians. Make up your point of views instead of reiterating all the viewpoints of the historians.
  5. H

    Does anyone have good Roman society 1st C AD notes, with quotes?

    Thats all you really need. Scullard is mad :D
  6. H

    are we allowed to use in exam?

    How do you type subscripts and supercripts anyway?
  7. H

    Easiest 4U Topic

    Whats the washer way?
  8. H

    Easiest 4U Topic

    4 formulas??
  9. H

    who's up 4 a band 6?

    I want band 5...
  10. H


    Meh, well, Sparta is just one of the simpler topics so it would not really matter all that much. I do not think they would ask anything controversial, just the standard ones. But this is the third year of the new syllabus, so they may start trying to increase the difficulty...
  11. H

    Easiest 4U Topic

    Intergration is the best... Though sometimes i make the stupidest mistakes. After that probably comes volumes. (Though not the geometrical ones)
  12. H

    Probability question

    Mmm now i remember where i saw this one. Did you see the question about the basketball hoops and how many times the person can get in exactly 50 times?
  13. H

    Leading Edge seminars/workshops

    I went to them at July. They weren't bad for those that need to cram, but i did not find them very useful at all. If you are achieving already quite good, then don't bother.
  14. H

    ancient history is destroying my brain

    I have no idea... I finished saying what i had to say, i suppose. Didn't do too badly at the end of it, unlike what i had predicted while i was inside the exam room.
  15. H

    How's This For Stress?

    Mmm my exam timetable is okay, but it could be better. English and Ancient History in the first week. Two maths in the second. And then eco in the last..
  16. H

    How does Ancient tend to be scaled?

    Bloody Hell! I miss out on that... I love studying about Ancient China, its my hobby ;). So tempted to repeat year 12...
  17. H

    How does Ancient tend to be scaled?

    I do wonder though on why Ancient History is considered an easy subject. It scales worse than Economics, which i feel is somewhat on par with difficulty as Ancient History. We should complain :D
  18. H

    ancient history is destroying my brain

    That was a problem for me. I had finished my trials for ancient history and economics early by around 30-45 minutes. I ended up stressing over the fact that i must have done something wrong by finishing so early, like missing a question.