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  1. H

    HOW does one fail the HSC?

    Beer... sounds so tempting...
  2. H

    what to take??

    Prayer beads would be nice... or a rosary.
  3. H

    anyone not stresses?

    I need 99.6 ... So dead... time to see how the career options of garbology are.
  4. H

    after the eco exam...

    I go to Prior. I calculated the amount charged, and with the minimum hours a week, it was $17 an hour. And since its unlimited, you could potentiall make it $10 or even $5...
  5. H

    complex roots occuring in conjugate pairs

    That is the quickest way to do it...
  6. H

    2 Unit probablity

    ... I think we were just thinking too complex...
  7. H

    What are people thinking of doing next year?

    Commerce at UNSW hopefully
  8. H

    how much study=how high UAI?

    Poor Guy... Having to live up to such high standards. I know the feeling :(
  9. H


    Yes i am worried as well... Before i didnt stress, now i am mildly stressing...
  10. H

    after the eco exam...

    Sell both books and notes. $$$
  11. H

    Are you doing an extra society or historical period?

    Ah we do Augustus-Julio Claudians and also Greek World (500-440)
  12. H

    after ancient exam

    I plan to give away my notes to the next generation, but keep my books because i like reading them. :)
  13. H

    complex roots occuring in conjugate pairs

    Proving is quite a simple task once you practice it several times, i suggest you do this. Its a popular proof...
  14. H

    how to study??

    You don't have to pre-order before the HSC. You can buy them in seperate stages during the year.
  15. H

    Band 6

    You do maths as well.... And lets hope that you are right, so that we can all get Band 6.
  16. H

    How is everyone going?

    Im stressed with the fact that i am not stressed...
  17. H

    HSC Tips - Mechanics

    Hmmm how do you find escape velocity and terminal velocity again? And also, how do you resolve forces tangentially and normally?
  18. H

    4 unit maths

    Do as many as you can each day. I Didnt do my homework, nor did i study at all for 4u maths for the whole year and look where it got me :(. I suck and im about to fail...
  19. H

    Evil Ancient History Teachers! (click here to join support group)

    I know how you feel... My economics teacher is like that. He is passionate, but about as knowledgeable as a rock about economics.
  20. H

    How does Ancient tend to be scaled?

    Well what if the top 4-5 people or so do very well? would that be a good thing or not...