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  1. Taskan

    so who else wont be 18

    i turn 17 mid way through june
  2. Taskan

    books or folders

    books with accompanying display folders for handouts
  3. Taskan

    Amount of free periods?

    school works on a 7 day, and i have 9 frees a cycle, 45-50 mins (not sure which, it might be somewhere intween) where we sit in a study centre and work
  4. Taskan

    Pens: favourite type, colour etc

    Re: blue or black pen? Blue. its actually quite funny, i use 4 colour pens, and just chuck them out when i run out of blue.
  5. Taskan

    Handball. It's still my best friend.

    i haven't played it for ages, but i don't see it as being a game for kids, though now most of the year at my school plays cards during breaks. it just occurred to me that handball was better because i got some exercise, lol.
  6. Taskan

    FOR GUYS.....what do you think??

    i got through about 1/2 before i gave up, lol
  7. Taskan

    Where are you going to live?

    same here, lol
  8. Taskan

    burnt out

    I had my last exam yesterday, today i started catching up on lost sleep, and i have to return to school tomorrow for ONE day.:mad1: anyways, look toward the metaphorical light at the end on the tunnel
  9. Taskan

    History Extension Half-Yearly Exam

    we don't have a half- yearly exam for extension at my school, though n some ways I wish we did, it'd be good practice for the trials.
  10. Taskan

    Sibling rivalry

    i have no hope in hell of beating my brother, he got above 99, my actual aim is about 85, so 14 lower than him, lol. I might beat my sister though, i think she got about mid- 80's. though I agree with Without Wings, its more about getting what i need to do what i need.
  11. Taskan

    Disney Villians!!

    I'm a big fan of scar Meticulous planning Tenacity spanning Decades of denial Is simply why I'll Be king undisputed Respected, saluted And seen for the wonder I am
  12. Taskan

    So how is study going?

    I've got chemistry on Tuesday.......I'm scared :cold: and i have to finish AH for Wednesday, not as scared, I'm in for one looooooong day tomorrow :worried:
  13. Taskan

    burnt out

    I was thinking that, but then again, I have no idea what I'd do for a year, so i thought it might not be a good idea. I suppose I could get a job...... And I like history, so I could just do a BA in that. anyways, this is all a bit off topic, on topic, I'm feeling a bit tired today, as i have...
  14. Taskan

    burnt out

    I know, lol, the only subject i'm actually confident in is Maths (General), lol, i'll never stop being lazy with that, its just too easy. i dropped down from pulling my hair out and screaming "what does this mean" to general, where its: this is just too easy, what am i missing? it must be...
  15. Taskan

    Favorite Energy Drink

    Mother is disgusting. Does Berocca count? i dislike the taste, but it helps.
  16. Taskan

    What are you currently Reading?

    My Chemistry Notes and various books for AH
  17. Taskan

    Is getting <50% common in chem or does my school just suck??

    I have a great teacher, so everyone in our school pwnd the first two in class assessments, but its the half- yearlies that will separate us all, and prove who the good ones are, I'm hoping for mid-80's, probably get mid-70's. But yeah, in yr 11, a few people failed, but now its uncommon
  18. Taskan

    burnt out

    I know how you feel, I've got the same idea. Ironically enough, my brother used that to motivate himself, got a UAI above 99. I'm sure I'll get a wake up call when i find out I've screwed up my half- yearlies. So, no, I'm not burnt out, far from it, in some ways a pity, because I know I'm...
  19. Taskan

    HSC 2008 ancient history students topics

    Core: P & H Society: Sparta Time: Greek world (500- 440 BC) Personality: Tiberius Gracchus