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  1. H

    do people actually miss school

    miss the routine... hasnt really hit yet tho... still going back doing study seshs... so yeh... miss the whole class room seeing friends environment....
  2. H

    250 Students Suspended from Exclusive Melbourne School

    lol thats even stupider then throwing n egg which hit a brother then the whole grade got suspended or a couple of days...
  3. H

    250 Students Suspended from Exclusive Melbourne School,23599,24525932-421,00.html?from=public_rss ?
  4. H

    2008ers: What topics are you doing?

    no one mentioned mine excpet for anglo-irish relations ww1 - love it :) south africa - 2 terms = boringggggg nelson mandela northern ireland - anglo-irish relations < hate it dont get it...
  5. H

    Stuffed up writting booklet

    agreed! only the printing place stuffed up our school booklets too... they were meant to be identical format to the bos booklets...but there just normally spaced... it is just me or are the pages cheaper then before and not smooth anymore at all... :(:(:(:(:(:(
  6. H

    Schoolies 08: Nelson's Bay

    lol my b/f booked decided to go to queensland 2 weeks before schoolies :D last yr...
  7. H

    Schoolies 08: Nelson's Bay

    im pretty sure we r... is it much of a place for schoolies? majority of my grade is heading for gold coast or the central coast...
  8. H

    how much would u spend on a formal dress???

    overall yr 10 was about $700 all up. dress was a little over half of that.... since then i have learnt to sew:D lol gonna make something i am envisioning :)
  9. H

    Transport to Formals.

    limos are overrated we went in one for our yr 10 formal it was just a normal one think its cost about 300bucks... for my b/f formal his friends orgainised a stretched limo... that was pretty cool :D that was 150 a head.. for my yr 12 formal this yr, i dont know... our formal is at acer (syd...
  10. H

    are you a stereotype?

    lol quite the contrary i hate maths and and good rid of it as soon as i could i yr 11 i swim just fine:D :p im pretty avrage everyone assums im a saint kinda girl :D:D
  11. H

    who did you think the bnw quote was by?

    yep meaning ur meant to meant to keep refering back to humanity's connection or rather lack of, connection to the natural world... not necessary the quote...
  12. H

    Sor Hsc!!

    i do 2 units - got spoon feed the course/ spoon fed notes... not sure if thats a good or bad thing so just got to memorise the notes then...
  13. H

    Caught cheating

    it was but on the cover todays booklets didnt have 'paper 1' printed in the box thing that said hat exam it was...
  14. H

    Not this time

    hehe im sweet no maths for me :D:D:D:D:D its modern then... religion till 5pm:jaw:
  15. H

    Not this time

    lol congrats on the effect... thats way too much of an exciting adventure :s lol waking late is also my massive nightmare that i use 2 alarms:D i ensure u if i could ind more i would :p one more morning exam left :D hehe
  16. H

    Did you use 1 or 2 related texts for Mdoule C?

    same here my paragraphs were prepared so the related were already linked.
  17. H

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    lol hmm if u could replace that grip.... then itd be a superpen!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
  18. H

    King Lear Production Q

    bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mention them to show how it has enhanced ur understanding/learning its no longer a requirement as it had been in the previous years thats probably where the confusion lies. it wont hurt to mention them but its not going to cost u marks if u dont. :)
  19. H

    I am scared

    unfortunately not... its part of the requirements...for save measures id just follow what its say black or blue pen... ull get the hang of it tho ;) dont worry i used to write in pencil in yr 9 cos it was neater and easier to write in, but thn i got told of for it n now its as messy as ever but...
  20. H

    How many people are there in your classes?

    160 in the grade english - 23 ext english 20 sor 2 - 21 textiles- 9 art- 17 modern- 22