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    quality over quantity

    it is, i learnt a whole text in 1hr.
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    Truman Show Related Texts

    can we use a song for image ? i have a song which is about the music indistry and how everyone only cares about image, money and being famous.
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    anyone doing deb westbury?

    persistance of memory and dapto dressing up. i know a bit of the rest
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    Paper two, specifying...

    they will probly go, "Refer to this poem, and 1 other of ur choosing." so that means u get to use your strongest, and then maybe have two or three paragraphs for the one you have to refer to.
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    standard v advanced

    i've been a std person all through year11 and 12. its a good course, i love the texts as well
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    anyone doing deb westbury?

    i'M doing her as well there about 7 poems i think we can be asked to answer for, i cant remember what they are though. lol
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    How did u link Q3 with yourself?

    oh shit, i didnt name my story
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    Would anybody be so kind as to post up the exam?

    i'll post it up if u take down ur sig.
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    They gave us the wrong paper

    you cant be serious. i cant believe this. hahahhahahaha. my friend just told me, it could be a rumour
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    how many QUOTES are you using for each text?

    u think we really need that much ?
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    how many QUOTES are you using for each text?

    3 paragraphs for journey to the interior 3 paragraphs for cosi 1 paragraph for american history x 1 paragraph for Muzzle(song by the smashing pumpkins) each paragraph contains at least one quote
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    cosi quotes

    yes, one for each paragraph is needed to have some sort of argument
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    inner journeys related text

    american history X talk about how the black and white scenes are used when he believes white is the supperior race. and in the colour scenes, his thoughts have changed, and believes everyone should be considered as equal.
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    What does an HSC exam booklet look like ?

    string ? lol thats old school
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    What does an HSC exam booklet look like ?

    8 pages ? as in 8 pysical pages ? if we need more, and we get another booket, i'm quite sure my stapler cant go through 16pages of paper, lol
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    No need to repeat the question?

    the answer :rolleyes:
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    What you NEED to use for the AOS essay.

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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    How much is too much

    anything more then 10hrs i would say
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    What does an HSC exam booklet look like ?

    for the english test on monday, what does the paper that we write on look like ? is it like a book, or is it stapled ?